
How is it "Mean Girling" to say Poehler and Dunham are basically neck and neck in book sales? The worst thing that was said was that Dunham's memoir has disturbing parts. It does.

My smartypants answer: Because Cleese and Short couldn't move 300 copies between them.

I actually know someone who advance read the Poehler and said it was repetitive and not very good. I know, it's disappointing—Amy is great. But I guess for every Kathy Griffin or Margaret Cho you get a Sarah Silverman phone-in memoir (and I love SS too).

1) I have never even posted on Gawker

Typical Jezebel twunt who can't disagree with someone while still speaking to that person with basic politeness. Is Sasha Grey an "enemy of the concept"? (BTW, "enemy of the concept" is a fucking ridiculously silly thing to say.) Is Lena Dunham an "enemy of the concept"? Maybe you're the one who needs some schooling,

are you laughing with me or laughing at me :(((

Honey, I'm an Irish Catholic from an alcoholic family. I'll say whatever the fuck I want about my people.

It's not surrendering to say that a word that once meant something meaningful, that was once very accurate, is perhaps a bit antiquated or needs updating. Language evolves.

Not everyone is a sarcasm monster either. My friends are sincere and plain speaking, thanks for your concern. But also thank you for finally answering my dang question. That's all I wanted. I'm still not getting what you mean by "it's not new" — double standards are not new? IG being shady is not new? People should

Actually I think that when so many people — many women — have an issue with a term, even when we are well aware of what feminism entails, maybe the term itself could stand for some reconsideration. I feel like the term has lost all meaning in a lot of ways: Sarah Palin calls herself a feminist, Sasha Grey calls

No, you weren't. You were unclear and sarcastic. I'm not a fucking idiot; you're a fucking asshole. And you exemplify what Jezebel is today: twats who can't just answer a simple question like a decent person. Sorry I don't know what it's like to have ugly jugs I need to show off on Instagram and therefore don't know

You didn't answer my question. You just gave me Jezebel-typical sarcasm. I started off polite to you but you had to be a twunt.

ha ha, you deleted me. Hit a nerve, eh?

Thanks for answering my (possibly dumb) question! I'm not on Facebook or IG, so I didn't know anything about their policies — just that a Willis/Moore offspring was walking around my city topless in protest over Instagram's nipple censorship.

It's so gross. I knew a few women like this in college. They were white, they became basically obsessed with dating black guys. Some of the black guys were really sincere and thought they were having real relationships. Others seemed to know the deal and just went along for the ride. These white women didn't have

What's not new? Their nudity double standard? Are you being snippy with me? You do realize that some of us give fuck-all about Instagram and are just trying to understand. Jesus fucking christ. Ask a question on Jezebel, get the stench of bitch. Thanks for your time.

You think Chelsea Handler is hot? Huh. Do you also believe she's under 40 like she says? I'm asking honestly!

Wait, is it a double standard, or is it just that Instagram is anti-nudity? (Asking sincerely, I have no idea.) If they look aside at some nudity while censoring other nude images, yes, that is a double standard. If they just don't want naked people on their site, it's their company and their business.

Well, clearly *I* didn't say that Jezebel is a hard news site.

Are you some sort of ... advertising copywriter? "Life coach" perhaps?