Isha linked to the first batch of pictures in this very scandal until dozens of commenters told her how fucked up that was.
Isha linked to the first batch of pictures in this very scandal until dozens of commenters told her how fucked up that was.
Ha ha, I think if a lady is "tuning in" to Jezebel for her feminist news, she may want to diversify a bit. This is the place that shouts "woo hoo, feminism!" after having a few jello shots. For breakfast.
He did a really nice one on Ave A and 14th for 9/11, which then got covered with ad boards, boo, but then was uncovered about a year ago so now we can see it again, yay. And I enjoy his work — it's all over the EV — but he's kind of known for ... not being so good with faces? That said, he has a signature, colorful…
I owned it too!! and wore it well into the 2000s. I am sorry now that I let it go.
That's Eva Chen, of the Town Car Birkenstocks with Fruit.
If anyone here is "spouting off" here, it is you. Because in your "kinkster" self-satisfaction, you can't seem to accept that I or anyone else could be thoroughly educated on BDSM or any other number of so-called kinks, but since we don't feel a need to overshare and label ourselves something cutesy, you see us as…
I gave no examples at all. I simply told you the difference between the noun, verb, and adjective forms of a word. I'm about as riled up as Merriam-Webster.
oh god, enough already from you self-proclaimed kink experts and etymologists! Kink was never an adjective. Kinky, yes. But kink is and always has been a noun (and a verb in nonsexual usage). The Will & Grace reference is hilarious because it's how "kinksters" sound when spouting off on "Kink 101" to people who have…
Dude, I have nothing against BDSM, or kinky people, and I really don't need to know about your Titanic fantasies. We all have sexual kinks (well, most of us). I just think that "kinkster" is a silly word, and I find it tedious that stories about sickos like Ghomeshi always bring out eleventy million people who just can…
Call yourself whatever you want. I manage to have sexual fetishes without calling myself anything, because I feel no need to announce said preferences to the world, unlike the rest of you oversharers. "Kinkster" is corny. And starting your posts with "Um" is rude.
That is such a typical reaction, to call me a square. Honey, I know everything I need to. And I don't need a "community" — I just do it.
If you don't share your sexual fetishes with the population at large, there's no need to defang your words.
It was not so relevant that it needed to be repeated verbatim, though.
She said the exact phrase twice, at the start of paragraphs 1 and 2. I'm not saying she's bragging. She certainly needs an editor.
I love you for saying this. Look, this Ghomeshi guy is surely a creep and probably a rapist, but for the love of pete, I don't need to hear the phrase "experienced kinkster and professional dominatrix" twice in as many paragraphs. (And "kinkster"? Really?)
We really don't "need" transplants. The population here exploded under Bloomturd and we can barely house people with an apartment vacancy rate of TWO percent. And entire neighborhoods are being displaced by transplants. I'm not saying we should stop anyone from coming here, but it's not this benign "dreamers" story…
I think dreams have been thoroughly chased when you can afford a $19M penthouse duplex. NYC hypergentrification is not Taylor Swift's fault, obviously, but if you plan to chase dreams in the new New York City, I hope you are bankrolled to the gills.
Girl, I don't hate Taylor Swift. Filthy rich people been coming to Manhattan since my ancestors arrived in Breukelen twelve generations ago *brushes off shoulders* But that song is waiting in a Magnolia Bakery line and then throwing your cupcake trash all over the Bleecker Playground, in musical form.
I was welcomed to New York when my momma had me in a Brooklyn hospital, TYVM.