
Randy Moss was in Parliament / Funkadelic?

If you throw in the Lions then Eastern Michigan isn’t even the best team at losing in eastern Michigan.

Seriously, you’re doing too much. Don’t do anything

Jets=Just End The Season

That seat was reserved for the 4th place trophy.

So they cut out a useless middleman. Sounds like good business to me.

Tech bloggers getting fucked? There’s a first time for everything!

Don’t invite Stephen Hawking. I mean for reasons other than not hearing his 1970s DEC Whatever voice yelling, “I be—lieve that was hold—ing.”

Sounds like he thought he was Reuben Hood.

he’s a threat to the playing surface w that take

I stay invested because I am a good citizen and I love my country, but I guess not everyone is like that.

Now playing

If they really want to retaliate, they should play them in Colorado.

Rob can rest easy. If treachery is a foot Rex always springs into action.


At least he threw it in a dumpster and not on the side of the road. That would bring a tear to anyone’s eyes.

RIP Jimmy.

Jimmy Fallon is tricked into eating a poison pill and has a minute to say something not-phony for an antidote pill or die.

Holy cow its a scorcher. Boy I betcha that guy could cover a lot of court.

I bought a hamburger at the Open 10 years ago for $10.00. And Mike Tyson is a thief? You go champ.