
How butt hurt are Jays fans that they’re still talking about this? Don’t worry, it’ll be hockey season soon, so when the Blue Jays disappoint you again you’ll be ready for the Maple Leafs to suck for the 10th season in a row.

When that dude hit his canine

Apparently you’re not familiar with Title K-IX.

The bigger issue is once you go black, you never go back- to a situation where taxpayers aren’t getting robbed.

Maybe if those kids got jobs they wouldn’t be so poor.

Usually, it involves pushing an old person in a wheelchair into the deep end. It’s an acquired taste.


You mean when she ran slower than the winner?

The Acolytes Protection Agency would have had a field day.

Can you splice this blog?

Sure. It wasn’t very funny or good.

It’s Burke.

Anyone here ever see Mad Men? Do you guys remember when *SPOILER ALERT* in Season 3 when Sterling Cooper is bought off by another firm, but Roger and Bert and Don and Lane decide to secretly ransack the company over the weekend and start their own firm and when everyone gets to work on Monday there’s literally nothing

Seems like he was in denial.

I'm pretty sure the one thing thiel was right about was funding the hogan lawsuit.

You’ve pissed off both the horse people and the arrow people. Ask Custer what happens next.

Um, they’re hitting that water super hard. The contact causes them to release pee uncontrollably. Read a book