
I don’t know why Bosa’s family doesn’t make the Chargers an offer they can’t refuse.

I have 3100 hits in Wii baseball. According to Deadspin every hit counts.

“lazy assholes”


This is so much better than Poker with the Wizards was.

There was a brief argument over which game to play in the locker room, but obviously Cooler Heads prevailed.

Joke’s on NBC; I’m still not watching.

I’m gonna wait for it to go on Sale.

How do you smash a plastic bottle?

And Steve Sax still hasn’t gotten in because of his run-in with the law

It’s good he didn’t return to quaffing Brain & Nerve Tonic or that hat would never have fit.

He’s made bolder claims:

You gotta let go of the Pringle

As a human that has gotten his hand stuck in a Pringles can, I am in no position to judge. Solidarity, stupid jarhead bear.

“We understood their one-dimensional offense. We successfully gameplanned for it. If you want to celebrate them despite their terrible offensive performance, than do so, but we declare that we figured out their offense and effectively stopped it.”

Which they did, but then the defense scored three touchdowns and the

No masturbating allowed then? What kind of marriage is this??

This man won a Stanley Cup. Phil is not just cool. Phil is a goddamn hero

Since 1776.

“Art Vandelay has been a hard-working, respected, likeable employee who has, for some reason, made a massive error of judgment and has paid the consequences for his actions. The board were unaware of his actions and have taken swift action after uncovering the truth.”

It is an even year. Might as well shut kershaw down now and keep him fresh for 2017.