
Thank you! I always wanted a better origin story than "We were a 99% match on a website...", but we're making up for it with everything that came - and has yet to come - after that. (And you wouldn't believe the coincidences we've uncovered about our histories, even though we grew up on almost opposite sides of the

Aww, thank you so much! I've never been this sure about a relationship in my whole life, and he feels exactly the same way about me, which is like winning the lottery. Any time one of us accidentally blurted out something that referenced a distant future, we'd gasp for a second and then surprise ourselves by saying

I was emailing this guy from OkCupid for 2 months when we decided we should talk on Skype. (He lives 5,000 miles away so the whole "Do you want to get a coffee?" thing hadn't been an option.)

Dude, they film Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland. I could be up there in an hour if I felt so inclined.

omfg I would DIE. I think very highly of both of them. They're on my list of "men who exemplify certain ethics and characteristics that I find admirable and am pleased to see in existence".

This story was awesome and I loved the whole thing. Except this part:

This is a big part of why.

I've never faked an orgasm in my life. (I might occasionally have felt like I was slightly exaggerating, but that's because it can feel weird to give voice to a feeling that might prefer to stay silentish. A soft, appreciative moan can be important for feedback but is occasionally distracting for the moaner!)

I think a combination? Khaki? I have green eyes but they have the tiniest hint of hazel around the pupils.

Uhh, no it's not. There's no biscuit in it. The caramel wraps all the way around the filling. It's vaguely similar in composition to a NutRageous, but it's not a NutRageous and it has Cadbury's chocolate. Because it's a Star Bar.

Would that I could! I used to have Nutella on waffles all the time. And with a scoop of Cool Whip or vanilla icecream? YUUUUUM.

Imagine the pain of knowing they exist but not being able to eat them! My life is a shell. A crispy chocolate shell with chewy caramel and magical peanuty filling.


Good to know! I wish I could still eat milky chocolate. :( Cadbury's used to be my life-blood... now I'm relegated to only eating Lindt since it has such a low dairy content. And it's GOOD, but it's not the same as OMNOMNOMNOMNOMMING into a chewy, easy, carmelly, satisfying Star Bar.

Oh the irony! (Is that irony? I rarely risk saying it anymore because everybody seems to have such a handle on it except me. And Alana.)

I have a strong urge to go to Canada, but that's definitely not the reason! I seriously saw a jar of "imported" Nutella in Chelsea Market for $13 - it was Italian, but I promise the European stuff is just as good.

Now playing

I posted this a couple of weeks ago on Groupthink and it bears repeating here. Hollie McNish is astoundingly talented... this is the perfect response to the tabloid attitudes to women's bodies.

Holy shit, what suicide-fake thing?

I am totally uninitiated with regard to when she's "on", so I'll take your word for it (I really have no desire to find out either way, because I find her unethical behaviour so distasteful).

I clicked on your name so I could follow you and I saw "Fuck Amanda Palmer" and I was like "this girl is the BEST!"