I Have No Account and I Must Post

He’s written about a gazillion books. If they were ALL about rape, you would have had a point there. But they’re not.

King is a horror writer.

I made coca-cola braised pork shoulder tacos for a few close friends. They came out well! Chili rub and lime in with the coke, braise for a few hours, voila.

There are so many ad-related BS problems on every version of the site that I regularly give up on reading stuff.

but capitalism

and for some reason a TON of emojis

The Waco thing- I mean, I work in TV and the idea that for multiple seasons they’ve just been fixing up the one town.... eventually, you’re going to run out of people with houses in the right price range who need a reno and are willing to be on TV.

Enough early responders got out there with the “he accelerated because they surrounded him” that even though the video evidence makes it clear that’s NOT the case, you’ll still hear it back.

I read them a bunch when he started. AICN and Garth over at Dark Horizons got me through many a third shift.

Every once in a while I get a note from the charity we listed in lieu of flowers saying someone else has donated in my dad’s name. It’s nice that they take the time and effort to let me know but I kind of wish they wouldn’t.

It’s also worth noting that the barely-mentioned passing of Valerie Harper’s character was a message to her and any other prima donna who might come along later. She insisted on an exorbitant salary hike because it was “her show”. The lack of focus on the fate of her character was as much a message as her dismissal

Uh. I haven’t seen the video- so maybe it’s vastly different than I’m picturing- but how can we tell if they were trying to fight or trying to play? How can we tell if they were experiencing psychological trauma or if they were mildly confused but getting good exercise?

Maybe, but it wasn’t the word or tone you went with.

a big part of game development involves deception

but Fantastic Mr Fox acknowledges that the character is an asshole. It doesn’t celebrate it and make the victims of his asshole-ry out to be squares sho just don’t get his hip attitude.

Though McGregor appears to have done nothing besides work hard at some sort of modern day job so he can afford his lovely home,

there’s always the future

why was he calling the police to complain about the police?

He receives the money. What he does with it is immaterial.

No, the constitution is pretty clear that he’s an employee, not a dictator. He doesn’t own the government. He’s not working for himself.