I Have No Account and I Must Post

I’m going to go paste my presidential fitness letter to my Xbox RIGHT NOW

I attended junior high in Florida in the early-mid ‘80s.

...so I can play Cuphead on my XBox One, regardless of what other letters may or may not be attached to it?

Because it’s a whole hell of a lot of weed.

it ultimately highlights the fact that sometimes what actors are smoking when their characters smoke weed is in fact actual weed.

Also, consider that the venn diagram of “people who are asssholes” and “people who stand up for whatever they think is right regardless of the consequences” has a pretty big overlap anyway.

If it makes you feel any better, a tiny bit of critical thinking reveals that was all staged.

There’s a highly conveniently placed light that comes up when Paulson goes under the table.

My daughter’s Tablet was found in a dumpster,

man I would love the world to know how much he sucked.

So, wait.

you deserve everything you got for thinking it was a good idea to order any kind of food in any kind of arcade concession stand anywhere in the world ever

You can get a non spicy Japanese curry that won’t roast your insides and cause your stomach to implode.

Also dangerous to assume I care about anyone reading who can’t keep up.

Streaming and dumpster diving are more or less the same thing

I don’t assume readers need training wheels.

Her lawyers are apparently trying to create a quasi-contractual duty, but it’s a stretch.

“Hey check it out, I lost a bunch of weight because I tremendously reduced the number of calories I brought into my body. Since it happened to be a Subway that was in the first floor of my dorm*, it had the added benefit of having very little nutritional content either! My body consumed itself SUPER QUICK!”

For a while I did my best to support my local Subway, because the owners bought their franchise before the news about Jared Fogle came out and I’m sure they are every bit as horrified by it as we are- if not moreso, because they invested their family’s future in their business.

Gosh, I can’t even begin to calculate the crazy odds on a guy who runs a stream where he picks up garbage finding something fascinating that might go viral and drive traffic to his stream!