Amy Dunne

This looks like emotionally manipulative trash that I'll crying to by the end of it.

I liked Iron Man 3 a lot and was really surprised with how divided the critical (and fan) response was.

Hey now, John Gallagher Jr. is sporting a pretty tasty beard.

Marge's resulting glare always cracks me up.

Nathan is usually the butt of the joke, which is why the Nail Salon segment didn't work for me. It felt too much like he was making fun of the women, especially the stunt car driver.

If gasoline is their food, then why do they have teeth?!

The "right" person for the role is almost always white, and that mindset is what needs to change.

Young Adult, United States of Tara, and Jennifer's Body were all great, IMO.

I don't see a reason why we shouldn't expect more movies and TV shows, especially ones taking place in highly diverse cities, to have racially diverse casts. There's nothing insulting or racist about a non-white person wanting to see themselves represented on screen when they're almost always delegated to unimportant

I liked how they did Simpson's character, minus the 90s boyband hair.

I finished the whole season in a day and my nerves are completely shot.

Oh boy, that age progression specialist was such a… Russian nesting doll set of weird. Just one bizarre, revealing moment after another.

Mark Ruffalo needs a new agent.

I would've thought you'd be more open to the concept of multitasking, Harv.

Tom Ellis is handsome, I think is the most important takeaway from this.

I saw this at TIFF, not knowing what it was about or what to expect, and really liked it. This trailer doesn't really match the movie's tone and feel, though. It's not some triumphant I'm-gonna-get-through-this dramedy, it's much weirder and more absurd than that.

The ghostwriter was really the breakout star of this episode, for me. I don't know if I've ever been so uncomfortable watching this monstrously uncomfortable show before.

Will be worth it for the extended cut of Simon Sees.

When I was a kid, I had a VHS copy of Scream that I kept stopping at around the midway point (when Sidney is attacked in her house) because it was just too intense for me.

Also, Frankenstein's Army is rarely mentioned during discussions like this, but I have to recommend it for how bonkers it is. It's basically a first person horror videogame as a movie, set during WWII with weird, fantastic steampunk zombie creatures running amok. It's ridiculous and campy, but a fun watch.