Amy Dunne

He has aged fantastically. Had a crush on him then, have a huuuge crush on him now.

Zack was such a horrible, whiny, selfish person and I still can't believe his romance with Lane took up so much of the show.

I agree about the haircut. Rory's bangs in season 6 were perfect I don't think I've ever seen Alexis look more beautiful.

Unexpectedly, I've been having a blast with Black Canary.

I was very impressed with Harley's arc in this one, too. And also that, for her default outfit at least, she got a proper pair of pants.

(No spoilers in this comment) I… really wanted this to be good, but I found it to be lacking. Prometheus had a lot of problems, but at least it had an atmosphere of mystery, discovery, and danger.

I think he's better looking than the lead singer. (No, it is not wrong.)

It's like Statutory Crepe from Broad City became a band.

Never really got the disdain for Age of Ultron. It was fun, and I liked that Ultron was a smartass. The only thing that doesn't hold up for me is the awful Natasha/Bruce stuff.

Underworld was SO LOUD. Fuck. I hated sitting through that.

I'm extremely picky about what I see in theatres, so it's rare that I leave a movie thinking "Well, THAT was a waste of time". But I do remember seeing the first Underworld movie and thinking, even as a teenager, that it was too damn loud and dumb. Seriously, that had to be one of the loudest movies I've ever sat

I gave this show a shot even though I found the whole Muppet-Babies-version-of-Twin-Peaks thing annoying, but I ended up enjoying it.

Well, they did that in "Who Pooped the Bed", but I would 100% be on board with Dee grudgingly trying it again.

Pizza Hut as a kid meant one thing to me: the make your own sundae bar. That was empowering on an epic level.

One thing I liked about ME1 was that it posited humanity as a relatively new and overlooked race in the grand scheme of the galaxy. Of course, that became less and less so as the series progressed, but it was an interesting foundation to start from.

Cut down on the bloat. Better m/m romances. Characters that are engaging instead of defined by a singular trope. And please no more Nomad/Mako/vehicular anything. Please.

I've finished the game, the loyalty missions, most of the side quests, and boosted all home worlds to 100% viability. I kept waiting for it all to "click" with me, but it never quite did. I don't think I'd have played this game if it wasn't part of a franchise I dearly love. The experience as a whole was very sterile

I was surprised by how fun Liam's mission was and how much personality it had, considering how much of a blah character he is.

Terrifically tense episode and a satisfying conclusion to the series, even if the singing went on too long. (Or, I would have been happy if they kept in Zoe and cut out the guys.)

I've finished the game, all the loyalty missions, most of the side quests. I wish I could say it all finally "clicked" with me after a certain point, but it hasn't. Playing Andromeda felt hostile, like the game was actively working to make sure I was having a bad time. I love the Mass Effect franchise, and there were