Amy Dunne

I thought Willow Creek was an effective, spooky little movie. Definitely derivative of Blair Witch, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

It Follows was a better thought exercise than a movie. I can't say it scared me, but the premise lingered with me for a while after watching it.

It's a crime that this article didn't use a picture of hot hunky Dan Stevens from The Guest.

I liked Banshee Chapter a lot! Effective use of atmosphere and space. Very creepy.

I really liked the Evil Dead remake and that parallel is one of the reasons. Really strong performance from Jane Levy as well.

As a kid I remember being tremendously unsettled by the ending of One Day at HorrorLand when - spoilers! - it's revealed one of the monsters had hitched a ride with the escaping family underneath their car. It probably doesn't hold up now, but that ending always stuck with me.

Home invasion movies terrify me for that very reason - this absolutely happens in real life and it could happen to *me*, damn it.

I thought it was fun for what it was - but that's about it.

Oh, Silent Hill is one of my guilty pleasures. I can't help that I love it. I know the performances and script aren't great, and that the story goes completely off the rails at the one hour mark, but there's something really appealing and engaging about it to me. It's gorgeous to look at it, the score is amazing, and

What are some 2000-onward horror movies you were really looking forward to liking but ended up being disappointed with?

Wasn't surprising to me that 28 Weeks Later's opening scene was directed by Danny Boyle, it was the only tense and terrifying part of the movie.

Yes to most of these, but I have to knock REC 2 down a peg for those seriously awful teenager characters.

I was actually physically shaking by the end of The Strangers. I can't remember a horror movie I've seen since then that terrified me so badly. (Except The Descent, maybe.)

I was almost disappointed when Taking of Deborah Logan started becoming a possession movie in its second half, I thought the Alzheimer's and the drama with Deborah's daughter was interesting and engaging enough on its own. I liked it over all, though.

[REC] was an absolute blast. It's pure fun.

I'm really surprised Session 9 isn't on the list (easily could have taken the place of 28 Weeks Later, which, opening scene aside, was awful). The final voice over unnerved me for days afterward.

I really want another Kirby's Epic Yarn though.

It's like "I was choked by a ghost in Switzerland" happened in interview form!

"I’m gonna tell you, Nathan, the thing I find the most funny is a fat woman on a rope swing on America’s Funniest Home Videos" is the greatest thing that's happened to me today.

Zack and Lane had absolutely no chemistry and Dave's departure completely derailed Lane's storyline for the rest of the series. I'm still bitter.