
Ok. But one of the big story points in the original was that route 66 was bypassed by the highway in the America that the Cars live in. This is also what happened in real life. So what you’re saying is that in the future of car-humans, they rebuilt rt 66 only to bypass it again just like the human humans did? I guess

It was mid season 1 when gordon was supposed to murder penguin for the mob butdidn’t .

Seriously. Its nice to see a comic book show that embraces the absurdity of the source material. For so long we’ve been just given a show or movie where we just have to believe in a world where super heroes and villains exist and the normal people are pretty much cool with it and or expected to be collateral damage.

The Mets with their 5th highest payroll in baseball were robbed!!!!1

Yeah, that’s the point I am making. For me, they were new to me so it was great. Nintendo rewarded my faith by giving me games I wanted to play but weren’t available on their previous system. And then dashed living shit out of it by losing 3rd party support almost completely in under a year.

People are arguing with you on the WiiU launch comment. I will say you are correct with a huge (yuge) IF...The WiiU launch was great if you were trying to keep Nintendo as your only console. I picked up NSMBWU, ZombiU (2 great exclusives) plus AC3 and Arkham City on launch day. Those last two don’t mean much except

I get that, but the non authentic mission patches detract from the comparison way more than they enhance it. I think if you just had the meatball, it’d be a no brainer. With or without the obnoxiously large SSP logo on the back.

I get that, but the non authentic mission patches detract from the comparison way more than they enhance it. I think

The mission patches on the sleeves are not the authentic mission patches and it seems strange to have selected the two missions they did. It ends up taking something that looks cool and making it seem phony and cheap.

The mission patches on the sleeves are not the authentic mission patches and it seems strange to have selected the

Not a fair comparison because the switch to my knowledge doesn’t have a way to connect to mobile data service, your iPad does. So your basically going to have to connect to another mobile device via Wi-Fi to use the internet on the switch, witch at that point you can just use that device for streaming.

That was 5 years ago. Smart tvs and streaming sticks were in their infancy. Now the average consumer has one of those two and doesn’t another device to steal the same content.

You answered your own question. Why does the system needed Netflix Hulu or amazon when just about everything else has it? I bought an Amazon fire stick and 5 months later a smart tv that runs all the same apps. Now I have a device I don’t need hooked up to my tv. Do I need a third way to run those apps? If I’m taking

That’s cool, Akira Toriyama has a Lambo with Rihana with a black eye on the hood. It’s like synergy or something.

This is silly. I am left handed. I grew up assuming Luigi was also left handed, since he had an L on his hat. I always like Luigi better.

Its interesting at this point Nintendo has all but decided to tell people that want what you want, ‘just go buy an Xbox.’ Its going to be a battle wills. Nintendo is banking on the fact that more people will bite and buy the system for first party support than will reject them until ultimately they are forced to

You’re half right.

That’s really pretty clever. They went the opposite way and sent homer to clown school. Bart did not start to love him.

Based on the song you linked, why would anyone ever willingly listen to that band?

Oops. I didn’t click the link

This is a perfectly cromulent comment.

I have a 2 year old boy. He loves all things Disney. So I fired up my Nintendo WiiU and started playing the ducktales video game. He was running around the room cheering for “professor colon drake” (he doesn’t know Scrooge mcduck but professor von drake is in Mickey Mouse clubhouse and they look enough alike to him).