Yeast infection city, yikes.
Yeast infection city, yikes.
I really enjoy the portrait of Obama; the colors are so vibrant and as a result the man himself comes off with the kind of inherent warmth that we know he exudes in real life but that a serious portrait would likely fail to capture. By painting him with a very serious expression against a background of vibrant green…
I literally covered my mouth with my hand and said, “No!” out loud when I read that. A man who doesn’t respect your vaginal flora is no man.
I’m surprised that wasn’t followed by a predicament bondage scene involving Monistat
1. These Jezebel reviews are the best thing about this franchise.
There’s a huge difference between some random surgical procedure and losing the ability to ever become a mother.
I have never seen any of these movies, but when I saw the headline I squealed out loud and had to look around to check no one heard me. I LOVE when you guys recap getting drunk and going to the movies. I had to be very careful not to snort or guffaw while reading, probably should have found and unused conference room.…
No, I’d say it’s incredibly shitty because it directly relates to her trauma specifically. Like, you can have your fetish be something like step-siblings... but maybe don’t see if you can play that out with your girlfriend, who has a step-brother who routinely made uncomfortable sexual advances.
She shouldn’t put ice cream in her vagina, she could get an infection.
Wow, man, I don’t know. Telling your partner, who has had a hysterectomy, that your thing is acting like you got them pregnant is incredibly shitty. At best that guy is dumb as hell, at worst he’s getting off on bringing up past trauma.
I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem…
Oh, these are tricks for getting things done alright.
L i t e r a l l y HOW?? She’s been MIA for like 7 months. What is she doing in your eyes that is glamorizing? Simply existing as a pregnant woman?
So... if you get pregnant before what, 25, you aren’t allowed to be happy about it?
Fina is a creepy troll. He joined that discord channel of ours a couple weeks back and started going on about women lying about rape and spewing the conspiracy that Merkel is secretly trying to establish some Fourth Reich while creeping out users before he was abruptly banned by yours truly.
She’s 20. She’s not a teen.
Andi Dier was trolling an obviously emotionally fragile woman. I’m not sure why Mortal Dictata and others feel the need to reward her behavior by treating her like it was some brave speaking truth to power moment. It’s just manipulative, messy, and sad.
Hmm. I dunno that I think her reaction was transphobic. I think she was absolutely wrong on the stats she threw out in the second video, but she said again and again that trans women are women. The woman who was yelling at her was accusing her of doing nothing about violence against trans women and, in particular,…
I was asked both if I lived in a treehouse because I am from Brazil, and if I lived in a plantation house with “servants” (not sure if they didn’t know the word for slave or were trying to be polite by beating around the bush by suggesting I personally owned slaves in the 90s.). So I understand.