Couple things, Jeremy Piven, you little creep:
Couple things, Jeremy Piven, you little creep:
“Man accused of sexual assault wishes women would stop reporting their experiences of sexual assault”. I am shocked.
The New York Times broke the story, ya nerd.
Here’s the simple fact: It’s The New York Times
We know what happened. An Ivorian drifter named Rudy Guede broke into the apartment and raped and murdered Meredith. He then took a shit in the apartment toilet and didn’t flush it. He got arrested and admitted to the crime, and only implicated Knox after he was offered reduced prison time. It’s the ultimate case of…
I think they know what happened, Rudy Guede murdered her and was convicted for it. The case against Amanda Knox and her boyfriend was just a witch hunt fueled by the press and public.
It really drives me up the fucking wall that this guy has been allowed to market himself as some sort of “reasonable” conservative just because he can use his big boy indoor voice and go potty all by himself.
“Take a chill pill, vagina havers. No, seriously, it’s the only pills I’m allowing you women things to have,” the Kasich said.
I love how the top comment is “what about the men?!” It’s like some people can’t stand women being treated like they matter for once. No one said men couldn’t use the hashtag. Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek spoke out last week and were respected, as would any man who chimed in with their experience. It just so…
Please, if it bothers you that men are being excluded, start a hashtag and a movement of your own. Speak up for those men.
Okay, as someone who takes public transportation because I can’t afford the car, who sees families with strollers all the time on it, this isn’t classism. No. The bio family was being dumb and thoughtless with *weeks* of time to think of it and that doesn’t bode well for the baby.
Her point is that they didn’t bother to bring anything for the baby, like a stroller, or anything to carry all of the baby supplies the foster family was giving them. Even though they knew for weeks that they would be picking up the baby and her stuff. Common sense is pretty important when it comes to babies.
This is cute and she looks happy and I can’t hate. Paint on, Brit!
As someone who also works with victims of child abuse and neglect, I really don’t know what Jezebel is trying to accomplish with this series. I’ve seen struggling (but well-intentioned) parents in the system that just needed some education and support to be truly great. However, all the parents interviewed so far in…
Every one of these articles has left me with questions, but one question in particular comes up every time. Where the fuck are the men? Women are doing all of the parenting here. Not one of the fathers wanted custody of their kids? Not one father would step up or had family that would help?
I don’t know why taking the bus precludes them from being able to take care of a baby.
The only one thus far that I REALLY felt for was the one who’s kid randomly got a fractured skull, but had no idea how it happened because she wasn’t around when the injury happened and nobody would fess up about dropping the baby.
I keep reading these stories hoping to learn something and empathize, but I keep getting farther away from the conclusion I feel like I’m supposed to draw. The women are sad and depressed because of their feelings, not because of concern for their kids or what is best for them. As an adult, I went back and read the…
I just don’t understand this stuff.
“On more than one occasion, his foster mother told me that he got depressed after visits and acted out by being disrespectful or breaking his possessions. Those were little signs, she told me, that “maybe the visits aren’t such a good idea.” I felt that if he were allowed to see me more often, then it would not be so…