
THANK YOU. Mental illness does not equate to violence. It is bullshit the way people are just dismissed as “crazy and bipolar” or whatever.

Absolutely. This kind of behavior escalates until there’s a trail of dead women—best to deal with this now before it’s too late.

YES. Why don’t more people get this?!

I don’t know if you ever asked any of them to visit or not, or how far away they are/how easy it would be for them to visit, but that context might change how I see this situation. If you are close to someone who then isn’t there for you, it’s okay to tell them that this hurt you.

We don’t need to tax extra children—that’s bullshit, what’s going to happen when families with multiple children can’t afford to feed them and we have to give them that money back in food stamps anyway? Or do you think it’s better to let them starve? You can’t threaten or punish people into not having children, and

I agree, I hate when people change plans for no reason. It’s flaky and rude and terrible.

Interesting piece—I wish it would have included why you didn’t take her to the hospital? I mean maybe she didn’t have health insurance, maybe everyone was confident that she would be okay, but it seems like taking her to the hospital ought to have been at least discussed, and I would like to know why it was rejected.

So true—this is a tragedy but the deaths of Philando Castile and the other victims you name are tragedies too. The racism on display in this case is straight up horrifying.

Jesus, this is so needlessly cruel. There is literally no reason for doing this whatsoever. What a piece of shit!

That’s just what I was thinking too!!! I decided to tell myself that milk of the poppy must be kept locked up as a controlled substance/maybe it’s expensive. I mean too much of it kills you right?

Yeah I don’t understand why he won’t just discuss shit with her before taking it public. That way she could voice her objections and be heard without “undermining” him—although it’s BULLSHIT that she can’t have an opinion without being accused of undermining him when she is the only Stark at Winterfell.

I think you just don’t understand that this is natural stuff. I would be super uncomfortable too but I think it’s pretty common for kids to touch themselves.

Well, I didn’t get good sex ed and I didn’t know where or what the clitoris was. I figured it would take penetration to have an orgasm and I wasn’t having sex, so *shrug*. When I learned about the clitoris (AT TWENTY which is horrifying in retrospect) that was eye opening! Maybe mine is a little smaller or more hidden

I have a friend who went through a fun color phase pretty recently, and she found Overtone Conditioner to work well for upkeep.

He sounds like a huge fucking asshole. Good for you, getting away from him! I hope you are chilling with way cooler ppl who don’t suck now.

They mean anything worse IN A PERSON WHO IS CLOSE TO YOU, not like “oh this is worse than cancer.” *eyeroll*

I don’t like the cold. *shrug* DC has a really special place in my heart anyway. I don’t get why articles like this one always lead to really bitter, smug arguments between people who live in urban areas and people who don’t. I love urban living! It’s all worth it to me. And it seems silly for people in rural or

That’s a valid choice sure, but parking by your home can cost hundreds of dollars a month (I’ve never heard of less than $200 in my area) and that’s before garage parking by work that may not be covered by your employer, and then garage and meter parking every other time you want to go anywhere. It’s expensive and not

I live in DC so no, I don’t. In my case, we pay for a covered garage spot for the car near our building, but it’s expensive and not everyone can afford that. My point that not all people in cities have driveways still stands! Everyone in a dense urban area all having individual cars is a bad idea anyway. It makes much

What a foolish thing to say