
He doesn’t even call for hurting anyone! He literally just says for people not to go out of their way to save bigots, when you read the actual essay. This is bullshit. People need to learn to read.

Yeah I feel like Kenny is justified in whatever he needs to say to Lee because he’s a sociopathic racist piece of shit, and he deserves to have his ass kicked, but if I was on a date with a man I would want him to let that shit go and come away in the helicopter with me. But then again, Kenny’s explanation for it made

Nah, unfortunately not :/

ahh, I see—yeah, that’s a totally different thing!

This is the only kefir I have ever had and now I am so curious! What’s different about real kefir? I just buy the plain, unsweetened kind and I actually quite like it, by itself or with granola. So if there is way better kefir out there I kind of want to try to find it! Is real kefir thicker?

There’s probably a big difference in rural vs urban areas I assume? Bc my local Safeway has Fage, Siggi’s, and a bunch of other brands of yogurt in various styles, sweetness levels, fat amounts, and thicknesses. And that’s just the regular grocery store, the local organic market has even more. But I haven’t lived

Well, but it seems like you missed the parts about the girlfriend loophole and the fact that authorities don’t actually compel surrender of firearms in all cases, even when the law allows them to.

When they are technically allowed, but have loss of federal funding held over them like a sword, they aren’t actually allowed. Effectively the amendment prevents them from doing this research and it’s the height of disingenuousness to say otherwise.

Agreed 100%! It’s so horrifying, the way people with mental illness are treated in this country. It is so stigmatized, and the treatment for it is often harder to get than “regular” medical care even though it’s still a freaking health problem! As someone living with (and I have many close friends with) mental

Honestly, any mirror and/or shirtless selfie is an instant swipe-left for me. It always looks vain and douchey.

What a fucking idiot dispshit this guy is! Yeah, half the population isn’t important enough for inauguration weekend. He should shut up already.

I HATE it. HAAAAATE it. It’s this gross, shaved on the sides, goofy on top nonsense that makes these guys all look like douchebags.

And requiring Words of Affirmation as her love language, but yeah that is pretty much it.

I actually like Luke! It’s kind of gross watching them make out just because they are SO INTO IT that it feels like they are about to just have sex on camera. Jojo clearly doesn’t think it’s gross! ;) So maybe he will win! But one of my friends I was watching it with said that she thought Luke would be a good choice

Good for you! I have had to talk about this with the kids I nanny, actually. For a while one of them, a little boy, was being bothered by a female friend of his who would chase him around and try to kiss him. The other adults in her life did get her to stop, so my main role was listening to him talk about it and

That bit about the waiter is the most condescending bullshit I have ever read. Like it’s shocking to see a waiter/busboy hustling at their job just because they aren’t white? It’s clear that her default assumption about nonwhite teens/POC is that they won’t “make it.” God, this woman is such a racist jerk.

I was taught to shoot (guns and bow and arrow) by my grandpa when I was a kid. I grew up around hunting although I have personally only shot at targets. I have a lot of gun owners in my family but I don’t own one.

There is a difference between continuing to love your child after something like this, and arguing that the rape of which his son was convicted was not a violent act. That is just fucked up, and it’s sure as hell not what a good father would do.

Just, it blows my mind. I always assumed any guy I might date would not care! And actually, the men I am likely to date probably don’t. But still!

I had no idea that straight men existed who cared about this.