This Salon article claims that this used to be a daily habit for MILLIONS OF WOMEN! And somehow I have never ever heard of doing it. Also apparently Summer’s Eve now sells talc-free vagina powder so the trend continues!
This Salon article claims that this used to be a daily habit for MILLIONS OF WOMEN! And somehow I have never ever heard of doing it. Also apparently Summer’s Eve now sells talc-free vagina powder so the trend continues!
Well obviously I know about baby powder for actual babies. It’s this idea of vagina powder that’s new to me.
Was so confused by this at first—I have never heard of putting talcum powder on your ladybits so I was trying to figure out how the hell this happened!
Like being a football player is so goddamn heroic and promising anyway.
Seriously! And it’s not like those concert photos are even going to turn out looking good anyway. The thing that kills me is when somebody decides to film the whole thing—that video is not going to be any good, and it takes away from everyone’s experience of the event now, in the moment.
I don’t think it’s dramatic at all! I think it’s a really relatable, human response to failure (or perceived failure). I’m with you.
This is a true fact. I am even sort of his team bc I think he’s pretty, but I had no idea he used to be married to someone else.
I have a friend whose mom used to work in...something to do with sexual assault prevention and education, not sure exactly what. She knows the sexual assault reporting stats for EVERYWHERE, and can tell you which universities have it worse. I’ve never asked her because I sort of don’t want to know...
My understanding is that they wanted to cover up the relationship, as she had said she was going to reveal it. What sort of surprises me is how epically that plan backfired—they were both arrested pretty much immediately after her body was found, and that was only a few days after she went missing. You’d think that…
YES. The messenging of that show is HORRIBLE. It’s also really weird that the engines clearly have the emotional maturity of children, but are expected to work themselves to death.
It’s one of those shows that is creepy, has an annoying song, AND offends me with its messenging all at once!
I feel sort of offended that a concept as terrible as dinosaur train even exists. That show is SO BAD.
When I was younger my mom bought me American Girl’s The Care and Keeping of You. She never spoke about it, but the book pretty much covered it! What’s nice is that the book also covers acne, breasts growing in, eating disorders, and a bunch of other puberty-related stuff.
It’s just horrible—she was just a child and came home to find her whole family gone?! That is traumatic. It should never happen to anyone.
I hope they catch whoever did this. It’s absolutely disgusting, and it should come with a serious sentence.
Jesus, way to miss the point dude.
If that ever happened to me, I would BURN. SHIT. DOWN. I would absolutely kill for revenge if someone killed my dog. If I could discover who had me swatted, that is.
I actually picture the world’s most embarrassing super hero, Womb Man.
Yikes! What a douchebag, that sounds like a scary situation to be in. :( Glad you’re ok.