
lol wait y is it only on verizon only?

@wild_world_girl: But with PC, there's system requirements. There's no reason for a company to spend development money for a game that will only run on a small percentage of the marketshare. PC is different. PC gamer's market is populated with people who have the latest hardware. The people who buy android phones

wow this is amazing. i have to rub it in my android fanboy friend's face

@wild_world_girl: lol not going to happen. android has too many hardware variations

@GohanEgret: lmao. it's true. the psp is dead (i have one btw), and the ds is.... well.... a ds

if it won't stream on an iphone, i'm not really interested

@Crisss1205: ah i c. that makes more sense. still should have backgrounding tho

they need to update this with high res menus and backgrounding. feels unfinished. but the wait is finally over. so i'm happy

Apple got a little to confident. They better come up with something revolutionary again for the iphone 6 if they want to win market share back.

u can install it from the repo.benm.at

sweet! i love my brother mfc 490cw, and this works with it!! heck yes!

works great! most cydia apps won't work yet tho. tried in to install rock and mywi that i bought a few months back for the 3gs. it wouldn't install. modmyi.com's repository wasn't responding. also, a respring seemed to cause some weird screen problems on the top of my phone. only when you're restarting the phone

I'm waiting for the netflix app to come out on my iPhone 4. I'll prob hold off on activating my invite

natalie portman! it's good to be a god

natalie portman! it's good to be a god

i'm pretty sure it's not the turntables that are $99....

Yep mine got shipped today too. Delivery by Aug. 2. Depending on how bulky it is, I might still keep the piece of electrical tape+ Scotch tape combo I'm using now

Jailbreaking is the only reason why I haven't switched to Android. And the retina display, but that's another issue entirely

i'm using a combo of evernote and the iphone app. i tried simplenote, but i don't like the ads. it is quite fast, much faster than evernote. i actually don't mind the notepad look and the font. hmmm