i hate you carl monday

And holy moly, I just searched Michael Feldman.  He looks like a skinnier version of my local comic book guy, not the always wearing a suit jewish guy that I had up until now envisioned.

It's actually spelled Peter Sagal.  Not pointing it out to be a dick.  It's just that I google image searched Peter Segal and he actually looks a lot more like what I was expecting Peter Sagal to look like.

I'm always surprised that nobody ever suggests Slaves Graves and Ballads, which is  how I became familiar with them, and remains my favorite. I think it's actually 2 EPs on one disc.  If you've enjoyed what you have checked out so far I definitely recommend it.

There needs to be an extra feature on the Blu-ray release of him walking through a gauntlet of every character on the show slapping him as he walks by.

@avclub-6796f650a074ef60bd6d33a1b59054a0:disqus Weirder still, he originally directed the pilot for Game of Thrones, though I believe most of it went unused.  And I believe it's also likely he is partially responsible for Peter Dinklage being cast as Tyrion.

Not trying to be glib, but yeah, exactly.  I just think a majority of the episodes do wind up taking interesting turns. There certainly are a fair share of them turn out mediocre.  I just honestly don't think his podcast would really be any more interesting if he were to do his homework on each guest. It will be

I get your point but it's never bothered me terribly.  It kind of helps his show be less of your standard interview and seem more conversational. You're probably right, but I take it as here's your chance for us to talk and get to know you better, rather than a bullet list of all the stuff you've done.

It's not that they don't care.  I'm pretty sure they are counting on people not watching the second hour.  Which is a smart move, more viewers might return the next week.

Newbies never say die!

I never got the same enjoyment out of hate watching this like I do from the Walking Dead. I think I'm skipping it.

Meatloaf with a hint of Madden.

You try getting Rabin to pop a squat on the subway.

New feature: We'll shit anywhere: The A.V Club walks around the roughest neighborhoods in search of the crummiest bathroom stalls.

I was eating ravioli during the scene when the trolls start bubbling and transforming in Willow. Couldn't touch Chef Boyardee ever again after that.

Beat me to it. I would watch an adaptation of the Great Outdoor Fight.

It used to be the SciFi channel.  But SciFi is not something that they could trademark.  So they invented a really dumb way to get a trademarked name.

What is that picture from? Fargo 2?

I read somewhere that originally it was supposed to just end with her blowing up but Cartoon Network wasn't exactly thrilled.

There is a complete lack of a thread devoted to love for Treetrunks that I feel I must amend.

P.S. Is Grandma still farting?