i hate you carl monday

I haven't seen this movie in forever, but the only memory I really have of it is that unexplained toy robot.  If I'm remembering it correctly (and there's a good chance I'm not) the whole title/credit sequence at the beginning of the to the movie is a shot of a bunch of toys like this just walking around.

I'm with ya.  Also the prison.  A lot of people are excited for the prison but I was wondering why exactly is it going to be any less boring and draining than the farm?

I don't like how the drama free WTFs always get slighted. The Jake Johannsen interview was a good listen, and a good break from the constant mining for darkness that Maron sometimes try a little too hard at (and at times comes off as exploitative).

My first date with my first girlfriend in junior high.  I took her to see The Program ( because it was so controversial and I was obviously such a bad ass.) Of course they wouldn't let us in, so we wound up going to the arcade where she had the pleasure of watching me play NBA Jam and get change for me.  I was stunned

Don't know if I agree entirely.  I think he was just getting in jabs.  He has a tendency to think he's a lot funnier than he is. That said, I can't imagine he would hold a lot of stock in Simmons' opinions (which are too often swayed by emotions rather than facts.)

MAYBE? Dawes cds will rain down like confetti.

In the end would she discover it was the cake she was really in love with all along?

They've recast Bobby on Mad Men twice. 

And would go on to be referred to as the golden shower scene from the Walking Dead

G.D. affirmative action.

This probably isn't worth commenting on but as I quickly scrolled through, my brain combined the Darth Ewing fuck and I thought for a second someone was suggesting Dark Wing Duck as a character they loved to hate. Which I found odd.

I've only read the first book (and watched the first season). Wanted to finish the second before the series started up but those are long ass books and I'm a slow ass reader.

I think the some reason is James Callis.

Sure sure.

the minute their family members were forced to leap from a flaming skyscraper probably.

Despite my hatred of Boston sports I really enjoyed the Dave Cowens one.  Horry was surprisingly good too. 

The universe works in strange ways.  The last two things I finished watching on netflix were Big Trouble Little China and Party Down.  It's time to take some time off from things and think about what this means…

These are generally my favorite characters. Pete Campbell and Gaius Baltar are probably at the top of my list. I'm also liking Jaime Lannister. He had me the moment he shoved a small child from the window of a tower.

Look at this fucking guy.

I mostly agree with you but my take is that it wasn't about showing how much Kenny cares for Stevie, but that in order to realistically have anyone who has been so thoroughly abused by Kenny still want to be his friend, it would take an extremely absurd situation to get him back in his good grace.