i hate you carl monday

Not necessarily a great name, I just love saying, "Navin R. Johnson. Typical run of the mill bastard." But if we're going to go with the Jerk names, Iron Balls McGinty is tough to beat.

I'd say for the most part, based on what was shown, it feels nearly certain he's innocent. Maybe not 100%. It was a horrificly violent crime scene and he really didn't have a spec of blood on him aside from his own injury. At least in my recollection… And based on what we've been shown about him, it's a pretty big

I have to imagine it's been brought many times before, but I just discovered the actor that plays the Hound is the "yaaaaarp" guy from Hot Fuzz. Almost as crazy as finding out the "have you seen my baseball" guy from Something about Mary is the same guy that plays Dan Dority.

They're not in it just for the money. They're doing it for a shitload of money!

I don't think there's any rush to get back in to the long arcs. He had an incredible run, and things slowing trickled out and just died. I love that he's back doing them pretty regularly now. Hopefully at some point, one of these one-offs will just click and lead in to an amazing new story arc organically.

I'm not even excited for a sweet death scene for Ramsey anymore. At this point I'd prefer a brief Monty Python-esque mid scene interruption with present day security guards walking in to the shot and escorting him off set. "Alright, fuck off. Carry on."

You should see the list of non-famous people dying though…

Blooper reel to the side in a box. Hilarious.

I was wondering if the plastic explosives the GR asked Meg about played a part in the earth quake. The tour guide mentioned people blamed frakking.

As a kid I was eating ravioli when that troll scene came on. It made me so sick to my stomach I couldn't eat ravioli again until many years later as an adult. Though it was Chef Boyardee, so maybe the trolls weren't fully to blame.

Well Mr. Burns had done it, the power plant had won it…

A penis is hard to find. It's embarrassing that I am able to quote that movie. Worse yet, I'll always be reminded of it when someone says happiness.

Come on motherfucker! Put your clothes on, come on!

Yeah I really recommend it to anyone who's even the slightest bit interested in it. Mogg rimming Megg was the last part I read before turning in for the night…just…wow. FYI, he's on a tour right now along with Michael DeForge doing signings and stuff. Nice lads those two.

Finished Michael Cho's Shoplifter before bed last night (it was gorgeous), then stayed up way too late and almost finished Simon Hanselmann's Megahex (it was hilarious). Looking foward to reading Hip Hop Family Tree vol. 2 tonight. I just dropped a ton of money at SPX over the weekend so my reading list is pretty

Long story: I had been a fan of Neko Case for a while but just never really got in to the New Pornographers, or hadn't really tried. I liked a song or two that I had heard, but I don't buy a ton of music,so not enough to ever really give them a chance. (I buy maybe four or five albums a year and just really listen to

Well this list is good news for me, as I only have Together and like it very much.

She's possibly married to Rupert Murdoch?

Aside from abuse I think it's really hard for me to say I find anything nuclear (I'm sure there's something, sex change maybe?). I'm not much of a romantic, I think I view relationships at a practical level.
To use one of Dan's phrases, you generally know the price of admission when you commit to someone long term.

I get being hung up on the concept of a "free pass" and mostly agree that it's rediculous. I just tend to object to the idea of cheating being the nuclear bomb that it frequently gets made out to be.