i hate you carl monday

Pretty much.  One that had never occurred to me until reading this write up is the whole Olympic Carrier dilemma, which is vaguely Flight 93ish.

Even Scar???

Breaking News: Megadeath frontman kinda dumb.  More at 11.

Indians fan. Our notoriety doesn't come in curse form, it just comes from, well you know, being fucking Cleveland.

It really is one of the absolute worst written shows I've ever seen. Seriously, most video games have better writing. And I continue watching it.  I think its the Browns fan in me.  Every Sunday I think this might be the one we turn things around…

Greedo shot first, but I'm pretty sure it was Han that shot Nice Guy Eddie.

I don't really have anything to add to the conversation, but my avatar is finally relevant, so…. hey guys!

Is it worse to get a show in Norway or stay in the States and guzzle donkey spunk just to be on TV?

Perhaps a talking pie.

I haven't tried the Best Show Gems (haven't looked in to it but I think it's a collection of some of the best bits. At least that's my impression.)  I'd give it another go, but yeah, if you're not digging it, I don't know how much it'll grow on you. I went it to it thinking I was going to hate it and it just clicked

Oddly enough as much as I like them, I think Comedy Bang Bang and WTF could be off putting for beginners.  I would at least put out the disclaimer (and I'm sure someone already has, that you should probably skip the first ten minutes or so and go straight to the interview when trying out WTF.
Comedy Bang Bang has

Oh come on.  Freezer-burned ice is taking it a bit too far.

For me, the Calvin peeing on things phenomenon was made worth it by Achewood, with the tacky stickers on Phillipe's car of Calvin peeing on a toilet, and next to it Calvin washing his hands. That kid.

They were originally Terds

I had the same thought.  And then he could have been in Community instead of Chevy Chase and it would have been even more funny and successful. The end.

I get the feeling that the A.V Club is not taking Mr. Hogan very seriously.

No Jane?  Most of the scenes that got me usually involved Jane and/or Charlie. I think she gets overlooked because she was so over the top, comically so at times.  But there are a handful of moments that hit home pretty hard.

I'm on board for a cast of Community remake of the Evil Dead.  In fact that's now the only way I'm on board for a remake of the Evil Dead.

I only listen to the podcast, but I assume it's a safe bet that the community is pretty frightening. I will say I'd probably take their side in attacking Patrick.  The old line up of Jeff, Ryan, Vinny and Brad was much more entertaining.

Really? Only NPR? I believe General Dodonna might disagree with you. Dork.