i hate you carl monday

Last I looked this wasn't available on Steam.  Any idea what's the deal with that?

Talking out of turn…
That's a bannin’. Looking out the window… That's a bannin’. Staring
at my sandals… That's a bannin'.

There's a decent money shot at the 24 and a half minute mark, but other than that you didn't miss much, unless you're in to piss play.

Does anyone else instantly think of Jeffrey Combs character in this every time they see Dallas Mavericks head coach Rick Carlisle?

Dick… Strokin… Embarassing and painful… Jammed down our throats… Sounds a whole lot like my New Year's plans.

Yeah, I was left kinda confused as well, but still enjoyed it. I actually talked to him the day after I read it, but was a little too embarassed to ask questions about it.

Haven't read it. Mostly because of the title, but also because I don't see a need for a book about Tina Fey to exist. (also because I don't read books without pictures…)

I've been listening to CBB on and off lately, and caught one where they were joking about that.  I wasn't sure if I missed a running joke somewhere, or if they didn't like Hammond and genuinely found it funny that he cuts himself.

I'm no psychiatrist, but I think you should probably lay off the porn for a couple of weeks.

No a Big Mac's a Big Mac, cept they call it Le Big Mac

I'm just impressed that they managed to make their weird goth/alt girl look realistic. Opposed to that abomination on NCIS.

I think all is forgiven.  They could earn bonus points if they were to call this article "We love A.V. Club and here's why you should too"

What if I am — rich or famous?  Can I still find a 30 years lady?

I've only read Alias the Cat, which I thought was great. Any reccomendations on what else I should check out of his?  He did a panel at SPX a few years ago and was pretty damn funny.  It's a shame he's not more well known.

I don't remember anything from this movie except that at some point Tom Cruise scales an outrageously high wall, gets to the top, looks directly in to the camera and says "humpty dumpty sat on a wall".  Which unless I made that memory up is clearly the worst part of any movie.

please don't.  i never get tired of hearing him complain about being lumped in with the rest.

Yeah, I try to just stick with not liking things in the comments, something we're all kind of on board with.  Trying to be funny for everyone on the internet is a young man's game.

I just started rewatching Game of Thrones right before this so I'm disturbingly unphased by it at this point.

Oh.  And is there a keyboard shortcut for being kind of a dick, or is that something you kind of have to make the extra effort for?

That's pretty much the truth and it adds to my point.  4 minutes of zombie action could have a lot more impact in a half hour format.