i hate you carl monday

I was really rooting for his final confrontation to be him seeking out and destroying that bull.

pointing out that you didn't use an acronym is equal to using the acronym. lol.

she is also, almost without fail, kind of a terrible actress to guys

Master and Everyone, I See a Darkness, Superwolf, Lie Down on the Light are good places to start. Open up your heart Frat Guise, and let the weird bearded Kentucky sunshine in.

Still looking forward to picking this up but have to admit I'm slightly disappointed by this description.  His latest EPs were pretty awesome and was hoping to get a full album of similar stuff. 

I don't find the cross talk to be the problem on live WTFs, I just think they are generally unfunny and awkward.  I think Maron's a pretty good comedian but he can't do the on the spot stuff that he tries to do on the live episodes. He comes off as trying too hard.  Ira Glass even calls him out on a particularly bad

Auckerman's very hit or miss.  Usually miss, but I've warmed up to him a little.  That said, he's got to cut out the absurdly long intro music for the games.  I know he probably thinks its funny that nobody else finds it funny, but come on man, that's just dumb as hell.

I was kind of disappointed that he actually got lines in this season of Louie.  I understand that they probably didn't want that to be a hokey gimmick that he never talks, but the scenes he appeared in always killed me. Hunched over, completely bored looking and never said a word (which apparently doesn't work well on

Bombcast is decent. They tend to go too long, and can get off on some really boring tangents, but it is a likable group.  I really miss Jeff Green and Shawn Elliot's podcast.  That was a genuinely great podcast and you didn't have to be kind of embarrassed about the fact you were listening to grown men talk about

omg.  that's so Jim!

oatmeal cookie crunch
half baked
americone dream

Give it another 20 years or so and that should take care of itself.

Battlestar Galatica, "Scar".  Best show with the highest amount of bad episodes.


right, but the point is that in the eyes of the general public it's widely dismissed as something shameful.

I think I'll go easy on my descendants and just leave a dare by my open casket to lick my forehead.

I thought i heard something about them planning on digitally erasing all lightsabers and replacing them with flashlights.

Do they stray that far off from their targets for their pilgrimages? Mansfield isn't really that close to Cleveland. Though the reformatory is pretty freaky.

On the run from Johnny Law…
ain't no trip to Cleveland.

I bet she goes in there.