i hate you carl monday

for girls

agreed, felt like they could have at least waited another episode before he starts getting dickish about it.

it was the Principal!

sheeit if this gon' be that kinda party I'm gonna stick my dick in the mash potatas.

I've been rewatching Deadwood and thought Gerald McRaney, the guy who plays Hearst, could make a mean Judge.

I thought the same to some extent, but I also think its a lot different if you're already familiar with the story. They are trying to attract a following with this episode, so its a harder sell for people new to the story to stick around this lonely ass depressing storyline if there's not any teaser that what he's

It's been a long time since I read it but I had the impression that they were a couple in the comics, which I happen to think actually does make some sense. It's not far fetched to think she'd want protection for herself and Carl, and she found someone who she already knows she can trust. True they don't need to

Saw Camera Obscura at the Grog Shop in Cleveland and the lead singer also told the bar to shut the fuck up. I think the bar at the Grog Shop is regularly told to shut the hell up in charming accents. It didn't bother me until she went on to call the Jake Kelly murals ugly as hell.

I was at the flower shop, that's right…getting drunk at the ol' flower shop.

I smell Ducky.

Not sure, but I believe that they've re-released those books with edits to correct a lot of the discrepancies.

glad to know I'm not the only one who always thought she was black. weird.

That should be a game show, The Prince is Right.

i had the impression they were both running backs , as you can have multiple backs in the backfield. Also they were running plays from the wildcat formation which typically doesn't include a traditional quarterback on the field.

parkour this parkour that
Is parkour the word of the day on the av club? Everyone, try to get someone to say parkour and then scream in their face.

i like it.

I'll stick tea in Leno.

he's gotta feed the monkey

Twist Harder
Twist Hard with a Vengence