i hate you carl monday

my backpacks got jets
Well I'm Boba the Fett. Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt to finance my 'Vette.

is your little brother in his 30's? that would make this story appropriately creepier.

Oh yeah, I was at the flower shop too … yep … getting drunk at the old flower shop.

do they review cockfights here?

I was carrying on with my buddy who's a very famous international spinal surgeon.

I would not highly recomend the 3D version Doosh, I spent a large portion of the movie holding my glasses up. There really wasn't any point in the movie that impressed me (regarding the 3d effect). Payoff not worth the nuisance.

might i suggest
Ickybod Clay vs. Blue Suede Goo?

Karatloz, just because I feel better knowing other people are wasting their lives away just like me; my computer is severely out dated and runs it pretty well.

and they have a new album coming out this summer so it should be…um…pretty summery… i hope.

have you not considered that perhaps he had it changed to raper? it used to be kiddytoucher.

Is it Mannix? Barnaby Jones?



anyone else
seen iron and wine live and decide that they didn't like iron and wine as much anymore?

nice beaver

love this movie. if you go to imdb and look at the memorable quotes its basically the entire script.

Jon Favreau
Think it started around the time he was doing that dinner for five show on IFC. man i hate that guy.

those aren't defective cans, that's a defective person!

man, i had to scroll down way to far just to say, General Kael, bitches.