
No thanks.

What’s Whitney’s favorite type of coordination?



foos was fucking robbed

Wow, you got them all right, in the correct order, the first time! Deadspin writers always fail at that.

Well, at least the posts are about sports now.

This is a weird day.

Dirt Bag: Sports edition.

God that’s so metal, maybe I should start watching hockey

“I really miss her but she left because she was so embarrassed by something terrible. Here’s a link to it. Enjoy.”

Such a good comment, and understated too.

I think it was short-hand for: I recognize Stonewall as a milestone and turning point in the culture wars for LGBT equality. But yeah, it reads a little awkwardly — sort of like using the fire-hose-and-dogs reference as short-hand for race equality in the south.

Eric Garner says what?

Agreed. Maybe it’s shade, he’s insinuating: “yep, NY used to be homophobic too. In the sixties.”

Okay, smart guy, how do you think LGBT people (and other minority groups) living in the south would feel about your proposition? I’m sure it would be very helpful for them to “ban” their home ground.

No, they aren’t banning anyone from New York from going to North Carolina.

It was fast tracked to prevent the Charlotte anti-discrimination ordinance from taking effect. The only thing that gets politicians working quickly is bigotry.

Totally. Since there are no problems with justice or equity north of the Mason-Dixon and life below it is basically a Fury Road hellscape, your comment makes a lot of sense.

I guess as a concept not as a real life place where someone just got assaulted?

Username to comment synergy.

It is called a lot of things in different religions.