I guess.
I guess.
You don’t leave it to chance.
Smells like a Drew & Mike bit, based on their history.
+1 Krimson Korner
I.... I may have been drunk near the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham when a group was blasting air horns while the Lakers were staying there during the Finals.
“Checking in.”
Somewhat related. Back when the Pistons were good in the mid-aughts a local morning show used to prank call guys that were stupid enough not to use aliases when they stayed in hotels. I think they got Robert Horry one time during the Finals.
CB Bucknor called it a catch.
Kids can tell the difference between a pre-pubescent yell and that of a large angry man in the stands.
What are you talking about? He’s not dead.
You sayin’ Puig ain’t white?
Padres catcher Manuel Margot can’t catch a break.
Margot is the center fielder, not the catcher. That was Hedges. So his position was corrected, but the player’s still wrong.
Is this some weird shift thing where we’re now playing outfielders behind the plate?
I think it may be in need of one more correction, just fyi. I can’t watch the video, but was Margot, a CF, really the one that scrambled to get the wild pitch?
and the woman who started it all
Mandela effect, the first film was really called Break-it Ralph.
I’m sure this classic sitcom scenario happens all the damn time.
Is it really priceless when it’s insured for a specific value?