
Yup. And dont get me wrong, I *hate* to see peoples lives ruined, even these people who didnt leave their house that night thinking they were going to kill anyone. I know it wasnt malicious, and that we're talking about taking the body count up from 2 to 4, all people who share some culpability. That sucks, it isnt

Thats why they should get life. Problem solved. And maybe it will scare you into not street racing in the future, and thereby save someones life. Even your miserable one.

You think we want to rehab these people? We don't. We want to scare the everloving shit out of anyone else who thinks that this sort of behavior is acceptable.

"ruin someones life by taking away their car".

so he's in Waukesha county somewhere. Makes sense. Closest thing to a tax haven.

hahah! Styptic pencils or alum are your friend as you learn. With a safety all you really need to do to prevent that is remember - no pressure needed. So long as you dont push, they dont cut you.

the wildebeest look is the most liberating thing I've ever done. I simply just....stopped shaving one day. I suppose I'll have to tighten it up eventually, but gads, the amount of freedom associated with just not giving a rip is phenomenal.

i need to be in this place.

if you are not shaving with a straight blade or safety razor, you're doing it wrong. Yes, you have to learn to use these tools properly, however, its:

how does this get out of the greys?!

Good work as usual. Most interesting to me is the nice summation of the number of major weapons initiatives underway by the Bear right now. For a country with a miserable economy, standing on the world stage, and an army that has a really...'interesting' way of dealing with NCO's and their (partially) conscripted

We should be laying a goodly deal of this brand hate where it belongs...at the feet of a f!@#$% Kirkland Chevy. The tame nature of those comments makes me sad for the Jalop community.

I applaud your ability to stick to your guns in the face of undeniable evidence that you were mistaken. While it makes you look stupid, that sort of stubborn willingness to cling to in incorrect worldview is just so very...German. You are doing my Oma and Opa proud here.

Can we talk about Taylor and those shoes more please? I want those shoes. Mens fashion sucks.

an inherently shitty and irresponsible thing to do tends to attract like-minded spectators.

Which means we should kill people on the street?

Oftentimes there's restrictions on how long officers can loiter in one location. Also, paying one cop to just sit in one place is expensive and people will bitch that they're not out doing actual police work, or that they cant do 5 over, yadda, yadda, yadda. Trust me, if officers could just sit there and easily put

Man. They should build streets just for racing. And call them tracks. Perhaps race tracks? They could have 'Track days' where, for a nominal fee, people could take their automobile onto these 'race tracks' and 'race' them.

Um, there's an off color joke there based off of my anatomy...but no. Im not a unicorn. I'm a social liberal (career NPA employee), fiscal moderate, and a Hawk.

The pregnant person in question could just swallow a gun, right?