
Try this on for size. "Feminist, Socially Conscious, Pro Science, Pro Gay Rights" conservative.

The Russians (not our friend either) are in international waters around the states pretty much all the time.

No Mr. Piccolo makes me sad. But, this is amazing.

Really, i just wanted an excuse to type that summary. My sense of humor runs between infantile and dense first thing int he morning.


See? This crap. Many of the things that piss Olberman off, piss me off too. But then he does nonsense like this and I dont like him again. Penn State athletics is horrible and deserves to die in a fire, but this is a bit broad brush there, Keith.

Barely related question Tyler - but what do you think the odds are of the gunship concept returning now that the Railgun looks to be a reality in the (government time) near future? Do we see the return of a true heavy cruiser at some point?

Now think about a 16 inch gun and why the Iowa class ships scared the bejeezus out of anyone that happened to be downrange.

This is always one of my favorites about big guns "USS New Jersey (BB-62) occasionally fired a single HC round into the jungle and so created a helicopter landing zone 200 yards (180 m) in

We know that the miracle of horsepower is granted us by burning hundred million year old dinosaurs right? That evolved in to birds? Anyone?

Or finish destroying it.

That's actually really frightening.

I'd bet today's paycheck that he does not.

It's potential is certainly not in the automotive sector - especially with fuel prices falling and conventional automakers starting to compete with them. $75 Billion is still extreme - even if they make every automotive battery in the market in 15 years. Betting 3x market cap on someones reputation is speculative in

When the guys who work there are talking about them anyway.

There's a sick, sick part of me that actually kind of wants to see this kick off, just so that when their aircraft all get splashed in the first 72 hours I can chuckle at every Russian apologist ever.

Thanks - i didn't want to bother to do the research, but just couldn't believe that they were worth anything close to that.

"Cold war tradition" - I'm not sure that the Russians actually are aware that the cold war is over - just more of the same to them, really.

yeah, but it does have tail guns! because those are useful in the missile age.

Is Tesla really valued that high? Seems a bit much.

Thank you for this. Ultimate way to start my friday.