
me too!

It was a bright day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

This angers me, and saddens me.

It's a tough thing. We all crave human connection - but what do you do when you find someone who you like, respect, and want to connect with and that person as a different vision for what that means than you? Just yanking the plug seems to rob you both of a growth opportunity, but indulging in something that likely

Gotta say...this doesnt shock me at all. I fall firmly in the 'monogomy' camp - and, if anything, I've found that its my dude friends who are more comfortable with it than my gal pals. My individual experience means nothing in the grand scheme of things of course, but its kind of nice to see my experience is

God is agender, per most accepted Catholic theology. (This does not mean most Catholics believe this. Most Catholics are stupid.)

I yearn for the day when we start treating internet crimes seriously. I desperately hope someone throws this kid, his friends, his parents*, anyone and everyone he knows*, in lock up for a long, long time.

Don't owe you a thing has been one of my favorite songs for a while now. He's bluesy.

Im now thinking I need to spend a few years in the desert to man up. Damn your story about totally awesome man!

She looks just like Mya Rudolpf. Its uncanny.

Not could be. You are wrong.

Please find out what happened to this asshole.

doesnt need all four spots.

it did succeed in making T. Swift look bad, which I enjoyed.

the answer to your first statement, is yes.

Do i hear AF top brass whining because someone was mean to them? Thats what I hear.

Hey, I'm a reader too! And i WANT to read this. AS DO WAY MORE PEOPLE THAN AGREE WITH YOU.

God bless this country! Im so glad that the government is out there, protecting us from these evil vehicles! I tell you what, its fear of these trucks that has made me go out and buy 30 assault rifles and a million rounds of ammunition. Thank God I have a constitutionally protected right to go to a gun show and buy

yup. a tank on glare ice isnt going to stop. try your best to point it and pray.

Dont assume a guy in a truck is actually using his 4wd - I rarely do. Why you ask? It gives a false sense of security - (you can go like hell, but it sure doesnt help you stop) and hurts my fuel consumption. The advantage is that when things are really terrible, I can always flip it on and laugh at the stuck prius.