
Agree. Was in the bag for the sportscentury that Jordan was going to win. As a Chicago 21 year old, I was thrilled. My dad (born in 45) wised me up: “People have short memories. If you were alive for Ali in his prime, he was not only the finest athlete of his time, but the most charismatic and thought provoking one

“I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong”

Shit, The Bay Area!

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

Oh please, it’s China. Off to the Apple mines for you little one!

Technically, he didn’t rape her, based on accounts... He allowed a minor to engage in unconsensual sex, produced child porn, and distributed said child porn, which should have cost him far more than the limp slap on the wrist he got.
In fact, given state law, he should have gotten 5-7 years, plus 1 year per person whom

It’s like when you’re 12 and your mom told you to clean your room before she got home from work. You obviously spend all day not doing it and then spring to frantic action shoving all your crap in your closet the second you hear your garage door open.

He filmed a 15 year having sex, he was in possession of child porngraphy and distributed without her consent.

Yes, but did the boys know she had been trafficked at 13? Perhaps they thought she was simply a sexy girl up for a regular gang bang. We need more facts.

Excuses, excuses.

He videotaped up to TWENTY FIVE young men attempting to “consensually” hook up with a 15 year old who had been the victim of sex trafficking. He is old enough to have known that there was something seriously messed up about this, and since he is the main person the police are focusing on Im sure his involvement with

But was she in a position to give informed consent?

If it was only the two of them with no cameras present, I’d agree with you, but that’s not the case.

With her being trafficked at the age of 13? Consensual? I think fucking not.

The charges are quite fitting. Fuck that little piece of shit. He knew exactly what he was doing.

In as much as a traumatized girl can consent. I agree I don’t want their lives ruined over this but with that many boys in the bathroom she wasn’t going to be able to stop the encounter if she wanted to. The boys videotaped it and need to be punished for that aspect of it.

Seriously? He rapes a 15 year old, and your heart goes out to him? There are cases where criminal charges against 16 year olds are appropriate, and this has to be one of them.

We would have been caring for our children. That kid had to make a huge, protracted effort to get into the enclosure. The “parents” had no visual or auditory contact with him during this time. That is gross negligence, and an animal who had done nothing wrong was killed because of it. You obviously want to live in a

I want to know what any one of these fucking lunatics would have done if it was their child in the gorilla enclosure. I truly am devastated that the he had to be killed. It’s awful. But between that and a child being ripped to shreds while dozens of people looked on, I’m going with shoot the gorilla.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she was making it up, but considering Depp’s alcohol issues, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it turns out to be true.