
I don’t think your point of view is necessarily about race as much as it is about culture. The Chinese definitely recognize a problem within their own culture of bad and inappropriate behavior in public. In fact, as the Chinese middle class has grown and Chinese nationals are traveling to more tourist destinations

“That one is the museums fault, something that fragile should have been encased.”

In Japan, it is considered highly offensive to place your shoe sole onto the place where your ass would eventually rest.

I’m sure it can. But that relates to xenophobia and having an issue with said cultural nuances. Which I don’t. If I said something like ‘hey, these Asians are awful at museums and shouldn’t be allowed in’, I’d totally agree with you. But thats not what Im saying. Im simply wondering, to the hive collective, if these

Asian tourists are weird. I used to see them all the time, but it was not in the context where they could touch something.

And everything triggers them.

In the world of the millennial, everything is racist.

I don’t want to be perceived as racist - however...

Agree. Was in the bag for the sportscentury that Jordan was going to win. As a Chicago 21 year old, I was thrilled. My dad (born in 45) wised me up: “People have short memories. If you were alive for Ali in his prime, he was not only the finest athlete of his time, but the most charismatic and thought provoking one

“I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong”

That guy on the left ios waving goodbye, isn’t he?

Shit, The Bay Area!

I believe in economy of words. You’ve got four extra in the headline.

Fascinating, isn't it? It's the new deal in geek culture. There is no middle ground: Either you are so amazing a person that you don't even notice it (because you don't see race!), or you're a Trump voting racist monster. It's how it is now. In a way, it's intriguing.

I don’t know if I’m more confused about this new Hermione or the fact that nobody’s saying anything about it. Am I missing anything?

Hey! Spoilers!

Rule one: make sure the lake is frozen before trying to skate on it

Jason: “I like the lake! OH NO! GLUB GLUB!”
Jason’s mom: “I will kill horny teenagers for this.”

I’m always up for more Jason, but I don’t know that we need an origin story. Like with Maleficent, I think they doesn’t necessarily need to show us the beginning of the story, especially if the creators try to spin the character in a sympathetic or tragic light. Maleficent, as a character, I think works better as just

This looks like a depressing BBC period drama about rebellious youth and economic depression set in the 1980's.