
Well, they did hire him to basically steer the whole DC cinematic universe and make it more cohesive. So if you take the fact that BvS didn’t perform as expected at the box office convined with the critical reception, which all point to the tone of the movie being one of the major problems then it’s not hard to put

except that’s exactly what he was hired to do, so...

Really? And where did you get that from? Hmm? Did you just make that up? You did, didn’t you...


“I’m looking at it from the perspective of someone who’s put a lot of thought into the ramifications of this specific scenario for like almost 4 years now.” .... bbwaHAHAHAH!!... no, really?!

I know, you really wasted all that time you ‘invested’ in GOT. I mean, my god, you could have been curing cancer, FFS! pfft...