
It seems like the kind of budget we might have gotten if this were a normal administration, which is pretty jarring.

No, it seems like a more manageable oil drum fire

I do this too. I love the reaction from the male security guards when they get to the tampons. It’s like “yep, you’re good to go, get away from me with your devil sticks...” They can’t get me out of the line quick enough and I take enormous pleasure from this.

It’s because they need Democrats to pass it but you won’t hear a word about how Dems basically saved education and several other important things on any GM site.

I think they had to make concessions to Dems because they knew the Freedom Idiots wouldn’t back any budget that paid for any gov’t services or military, as they apparently want to stop the United States from operating completely.

Whenever I smuggle snacks to a sporting event I always put them in a purse pocket under some tampons. I also brought home some Cuban cigars from Curaçao years ago by putting them in a small Tampax box in my carry on. People, especially dudes, see tampons and back the fuck up immediately. They’re terrifying!

Election year.

I was listening to NPR last week and heard this story about this book, A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America.

Progressives: Refuse to show up at the polls and give Democrats the power necessary to effect substantive change in Congress then complain that the Democrats, vastly outnumbered, can’t effect substantive change in Congress.

Also important to put a picture of Nancy Pelosi up front. ‘Cause she’s the problem. She’s too conservative, too controlling, too much of a San Francisco liberal, and doesn’t have enough control of her caucus. I can’t quite remember the last time a politician was put in the position of simultaneously being a

Your choices are “Cake of Death” but we are OUT OF CAKE. We only had three bets and we didn’t expect such a rush.

Oh hey look, a disingenuous headline that doesn’t acknowledge there’s plenty of disagreement within the Democratic party about how to handle negotiations (“With that in mind, some of the letter’s signatories said the more realistic goal is not forcing action on DACA, but preventing Republicans from using the omnibus

And this is the source of my current paranoia. Progressives are our own worst enemy. While we’ve had small victories, I’m afraid we’ll blow it in November.

Jezebel got a shout out on Will and Grace tonight! About 9 minutes in, Tony (Anthony Ramos) asks Grace “It’s cool for a bakery to refuse to make a MAGA cake but not a gay cake?” and Grace replies “It’s a totally different situation. People on Jezebel have explained why. At length. Which is why I didn’t read it. It was

Leadership is the key word here. My daughter is a high school teacher, and her Leadership Class happened to be in session when 10 am yesterday rolled around. Every single one of the kids in her class walked out,so she went with them. Many of those kids had been involved in planning the walkout, and spoke at the event

Just in case you thought this country had entered the 21st century.

Kopp also emphasized the fact that children feel failed by the adults that are supposed to protect them.

Are they intentionally hiring people that look like this?

I know it’s convenient to blame the Obama administration for everything, but how is this in any way the fault of prior administrations? The FBI has ALWAYS provided information and allowed the decision to fall on the administration. That’s......good government, isn’t it?

And Russ Feingold was in the senate for twenty years and was one of the most liberal there, being the ONLY voter against the patriot act, etc. Paul Ryan and Scott Walker are two of the most evil people in politics, but Wisconsin does have a strong liberal base. It’s just been gerrymandered to death over the last