
That was Dianev and Mr Peanutbutter’s house

I have to take 1/4 ir 1/2 at most or I’ll pass out for two days. Everyone metabolizes meds differently and with benadryl it can most definitely incapacitate a person and it is known to be used as a date rape drug.

Eid Mubarak!

I meant granola, brain fart/ typing fail

Have you tried dates with almonds in them dipped in chocolate. Best iftar ever. But butter drenched popcorn is always amazing.

The money thing isn’t that weird. Its not so much happiness, but financial security that their worried about. I myself along with many of my friends didn’t do arranged marraiges and it is a crapshoot. Even when you pick your spouse you dont always pick their families or can forcast how people will change during a

Not sure how to edit. Im not trying to say South Asian culture is better than American culture. I grew up straddling both worlds and continue to do so. Differetnt advatages in some facets of life compared to others based of observations.

I saw my mom deal with these types of issues raising me, and I can tell you kids are proud of their working moms, even if their schedules are rough. My mom was in computer science field in the 80s and it was definitely hard for her being away and missing out on before and after school stuff. But kids are resilient and

Ive been there with the painful Intercourse. And am still working on it. My it took me years to find a doctor who took me seriously, but she prescribed valium suppositories and the difference is amazing. I had never liked penetration before because it felt like my husband was hitting a wall. But my pelvic floor was in