
^ Doesn’t know what NISMO is.

Godzilla never dies.

This is beneath Jalopnik and should be retracted with an apology. I mean, come on:

I disagree. MANUFACTURERS don’t advertise pricing. DEALERS do. Many dealers advertise “loss leader” pricing to draw customers in and sell pricier models. If you look at the adverts, you see “1 available at this price SN#**********” This is required by the Federal Trade commission. The manufacture’s list price comes

It’s rarely that large of a gap between the base model and the top of the line model with the larger engine? You ever look at a 3 series or a C class? You’re looking at a minimum of $15k.

We are ALL Elon on this blessed day

That is quite a misleading title. It’s like saying that the base price of a BMW 3-series is $45,000 because the 335i exists.

COTD “Why don’t one of you morons just drive the car?” 

Wow. That’s the most whiniest, butt-hurt post I’ve read here (and that includes Hamilton Nolan’s stuff).

None of that gibberish refuted the idea of a free market.

Then they should build more?

Unsuspecting customers? I dunno, I think the people participating in the auction know exactly what they are doing. The fact is there are not enough demons to meet demand at that list price. Higher prices lower the demand. FCA didn’t charge enough and the dealers are finding the intersection.

“Looks like you auctioned off your Demon. Guess your next 10 deliveries are nothing but fully optioned Darts and 200s. Best wishes!”

In the end, it doesn’t matter what Dodge says or does. The market determines the price, and all this does is put the markup into the dealer’s pocket instead of a speculator.

Seems fine to me. In one article we all laugh and praise that you can buy an ELR for half off MSRP. Now we’re angry you have to pay well over sticker for something?

Humans are such fickle irrational creatures.

I fail to see a problem with dealer mark ups. If you want the car bad enough, pay up. I wouldn’t pay for the mark up, but, there hasn’t been a single car mentioned in any markup story that would have appealed to me. As long as there are people willing to pay for the markup, I encourage all dealers to continue with the

Disgusting why? Either that is an appropriate market rate, or it’s too high and the car won’t sell. I don’t see the problem either way.

One thing that really stood out to me was all of the rattling of the components and body pieces of the spitfires when they were flying. It just made those inside cockpit shots super freaking realistic.   

I love how they put a VW on the box.

1. The movie literally says the plane sequence is only one hour via a title card.