
Regardless of traction, the maximum torque the differential will ever be subjected to is limited by engine torque multiplied by the 1st gear ratio. Even with all the traction in the world, you’re not adding torque to the differential beyond what it’s designed to handle. You’d get that in a tug-of-war situation, but

If you’ve never attended I would suggest you give it a shot. This sport is one of the last holy grails of motorsports that isn’t overly regulated. There are basic requirements for weight to tire ratio, but otherwise you’re almost completely free to run what you brung. If you can’t find some enjoyment in 800+ hp cars

Wouldn’t it just be easier to say what you really mean? If you just write “I don’t like drifting” you’d catch way less shit on here.

Maybe if you start crying really hard they’ll stop covering it just for you.

It’s sad how little joy you have in your life.

Purposeful explosions in the manifold before the turbo are not good for longevity and likely don’t pass emissions anywhere they would sell something like that.

I think there’s a lot more going on here than you’re giving him credit for. You have to stay in the throttle on those cars or else the very sticky tires will bite and you’ll lose the drift, and the correct way to exit a slide is to power out, so you can’t spend too much time at full throttle in the corner.

Also, it’s

Low level employees are generally fine buying tickets and even winning in raffles like this, but if it is management and their close family then the usual agreement is that while they can buy a ticket to show support of the cause then they are generally supposed to forfeit the prize and ask for another ticket to be

It doesn’t have to be ostentatious, just the choice of an actual color. Why are people so fucking boring?

And the Anonymous People of the Internets get outraged, outraged!, upon taking a first glance at the situation and expressing themselves to be the shitty people they are. You mean companies do good for their communities? Impossible! We all know companies are evil entities which steal from hard working people like

So a dealership donated time and money to a nonprofit and then an employees wife spent a decent amount of money to add to all of that? Those bastards. It’s not like it was something the dealership itself set up directly.

I don’t care who wins the car as long as it was done so without any dishonest tactics. Nothing was mentioned but having the wife of the General owner does raise some eyebrows.

All you do is bag on this car. I hope it does make 1023 just to prove you wrong.

Assad is ousted... and who takes over? I agree he needs to go but there is no promise what replaced him is any better, and it might in fact be worse.

This attack makes perfect sense from Assad. Two days ago Tillerson and Trump publicly withdrew regime change in Syria as a US foreign policy goal. Tillerson said that who leads in Syria is a Syrian matter to be worked out by Syrians. Sean Spicer was all over the headlines saying “the US is acknowledging reality that

Oh boy, they won’t be able to fly their un-flying Soviet-era shitboxes anymore.

Kristen and Darby, thanks for doing the interview! I have two daughters right now, it’s great to see things like this so I can show them, “YES, you can do these things!”

My oldest has an extreme love for Corvettes and she’s not even 5 yet and I give her as many opportunities to explore things that previously would

Regardless, would you prefer to have a few seconds of “oh-fuck” terror or pass gently into the good night while getting a beej listening to Ed Sheeran?

For the love of God, Jalopnik: REACH OUT TO EDD FOR A VIDEO SERIES HERE.

Seriously, the fact that they showed Edd actually doing these things on camera is what I found so appealing about Wheeler Dealers. It wasn’t the usual reality TV fare that has to manufacture drama or stupid-ass antics to draw in the “Honey Boo Boo” pork-rinds for dinner crowd.