Spoilers : The plot doesn't go anywhere.
Spoilers : The plot doesn't go anywhere.
Goat OP. Plz nerf.
I don't think you have an idea what you're talking about. Resident Evil 4 was the best selling third-party game on the Gamecube and was a serious game.
What you "want" doesn't match what you're willing to pay for.
Its been done. The Gundam series.
You make it sound as if such shows haven't been made already.
You should upgrade to the metallic or gold version.
Thats not a bug, thats a feature!
"Relevant details" = A false case of liberals suppressing a conservative librarian in an article about (mostly) conservatives censoring books.
It helps if you read your own article :
'To date, the university refuses to halt the investigation, saying in response, it takes "any allegation of sexual harassment seriously."'
Not much of a theory seeing that a brief surface-look at the book WOULD lead to that conclusion.
Because he didn't "just" recommend a title. He recommended several titles be REQUIRED reading such as, "Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis" by Bat Ye'or (a book about the Islamic subversion of Europe) and "It Takes a Family" by Sen. Rick Santorum. (a book which claims that the U.S. government should be used to promote…