
If I hear about this as a t-shirt, consider it bought. I’m in San Francisco but I’ll still support and wear it with pride.

I would like to cordially invite Joe Walsh to East Oakland, the corner of 90th and E. 14th where he can say all those things as loudly as he likes.

When asked about the new sticker, Nehls said that he was “not surprised,” adding that he “thinks it’s disgusting.”

Unless they’re in someone.

I think Cardi B isn’t saying that she isn’t a feminist, because right after disavowing that word, she defines what feminism means to her and what kind of a feminist she is, and it is a definition that is pretty much right. If you parse her words, you can tell she’s saying that she isn’t a White Feminist - there is a

I’m sure all of the responses to this will be measured and nuanced, and definitely not picked apart or be weighed against the fact that she’s a rapper/former stripper/whatever the fuck else white feminists find unacceptable.

Let’s have a round of applause for Brother Chance!!!!

Chano is a goddamn treasure and the champion our city has needed for a long, long time. His “what are y’all doing?” line really drove home the absolute uselessness of the elected officials who have a million and one excuses for why they really have to close that school in a poor black neighborhood, but hey, would you

I mean, James Cameron’s logic doesn’t sound half wrong either. I wouldn’t have bought Jack suddenly figuring out all he has to do is tie the life jackets to the bottom of the door. We saw how long it took him to get a set of keys and unlock a door underwater, let’s be real he wouldn’t be able to do the life jacket

Maybe he decided he didn’t want to be with her. It was the ultimate ghosting.

On the bright side, homegirl probably about to get paid! With some gwood lawyering, Akima should be quick to settle.

In times like this, I would have done my best to not let it be known I was involved at all, utilizing the old Shaggy defense.

Because the internet will always find you.

Demetria couldn’t contain the sexy even in sweats, Jan. Look at her, Jan! LOOK.AT.HER.JAN!

In first to say I SAID WHAT THE FUCK I SAID.

“I recommend you sign up for the baseball team. I can tell you’d make a great catcher after seeing the video of you CATCHIN’ DEM HANDS.”

If violence isn’t solving your problem, you’re not using enough.

This why I can’t be a guidance counselor, cause I would have just gone to the white student and said, “now tell me. what have you learned?”

Check this out, I believe in “riding” with family, however I WILL NOT ride with straight to hell with gasoline draws on and a bomb in my lap. When it comes to kids, you on yo own. Sorry but not sorry

And here she is on Univision! I love her.