
I am positive they do not. He performed at a festival I was working at and people who only knew Hairspray - not even his version but the garbage that John Travolta was in or even worse their kid’s high school play - all sat in the front in the expensive seating because they were rich assholes trying to show off as

Okay so you have to make yourself watch that scene over and over and basically condition your natural reflexes that induce screaming and vomiting to instead shirk and shudder while laughing hysterically. Once you master this ability all other moments in Waters film history become this expert level mastery in filth.

I will not accept any of this. It’s all shit. The last “remake” was total shit.
This is not Waters. This is some disgusting sick marshmallow fluff foul interpretation of hell. I hope John takes all the money from this and makes something horrible, mocking and horrifying anyone who watches this shit show.

I hate people (yes hate) who watch Hairspray remakes and then act like that is actual John Waters. No it is not. FUCK ALL OF YOU TO HELL.

Just downloaded it fucking fuck fuck fuck... Dr. Pepper is on the list. It’s my last shitty HFCS laden beverage I still consume. At this rate in the next four years we are going to have to boycott so many things we’ll all end up living on off the grid self sustained communes churning our own butter and canning fruit

I hate her too. I said it. Again. I will actually not stop saying it. She is the bitch in school who’s ass you just have to beat and be totally willing to take the suspension for it. You just take off your earrings and then your shoes and just go batshit ass hopping crazy on her and beat her until the teacher pulls


FUCK THIS WOMAN. She is not a mother. She is a FUCKING MONSTER.

Can we just have a live feed of the moment the White House hands President Fuckface Von Clownstick his official and only Presidential mobile phone: complete with no apps, no texting, no incoming calls, restricted web browser and ready for it everyone... NO TWITTER!
What will he do? Will he implode once he finds he has

I couldn’t eat last night. Woke up crying. Drank coffee to get rid of the migraine I had. Coffee fucked up my stomach so bad so I ate pumpkin pie for breakfast because that’s depressed morning food. Then had raging diarrhea that was either the pie or just straight up Trumparrhea.

Ceviche is something I buy from women I actually know because I know them and I’m cool with them and their ceviche is the bomb. They make it the same day and I eat it the same day. Am I taking a chance? Probably, but I live dangerously and considering today is election day I might just go get some neighborhood ceviche

I get that but also there is a culture element to this as well. In certain communities in CA this is actually really normal and part of our culture. I live in a predominantly Latino community and tons of women sell tamales from their home in batches. I buy them all the time. Tamales are a big deal to make and the

I think what I loved most about the Ana Navarro clip is that it’s so completely real and unscripted. You can see the actual fury and rage in her eyes as she says “pussy” and you can almost pinpoint the exact second she officially had zero fucks to give. That is what made it beautiful to me.

Keep them close to you... and never ever be afraid of being “that parent” because they will make you feel that way. This image is the one I keep near me all the time when I start doubting myself or feeling like I’m being demanding or being “that mom”... it’s not us. It’s the hateful psychos. Even my teenagers

I am so sorry she is going through that. If the principal doesn’t do something please take it to the district and if they don’t then file an OCR complaint. We have to just be vigilent and call it out every time and flood OCR with complaints.
If you have a chance to look at the article by Southern Poverty Law Center

Thank you... I just want people who are not “in it” so to speak understand these things are not uncommon and they happen to regualr people every day. We are a regular, pretty boring family with 4 kids, a dog and cats and we love Star Wars and camping and this is happening to us. On the flip side what is happening to

And then it just happened again to him. I am done. I am just fucking done.
Chased home yesterday after school by five white boys, one is the same boy who has been targeting him all along. He ended up hiding in the bushes from them until they gave up looking for him and then he ran home.


I think it’s both. I think he is a hateful shit stained racist fuckwad AND he actually doesn’t for reals want this job because he knows he can’t actually do it and that it’s actually for reals hard. If the GOP removes him then he can forever twitter rant that the GOP are losers who don’t like winning and hate the

I am absolutely convinced at this point that Trump is literally sitting up at night thinking up the most insane, ridiculous, offensive, bat-shit nuts things to say in the desperate hope that the GOP removes his nomination so he doesn’t have to actually go through with being the President of the United States.