You know who doesn’t make a mistake like this?
Typically political campaigns use a ton of interns to do a lot of the work. However, I would like to think there was a marketing team with professional social media managers involved in a high profile political campaign. I am sure Bernie has an agency of record working on his brand but there is a huge chance they…
Let’s hope Tilikum lives out his remaining days as peaceful and happy as possible.
I am a social media manager and strategist by profession. My number one piece of advice for clients is to NEVER have an intern manage your social.
Thank you for the info because I was really surprised. Damn. Artists need to own their music. ugh.
I’m honestly pretty stunned Chuck D allowed Fight The Power to be used this way. I was curious how that went down and was allowed. I just have a hard time seeing him being okay with this.
This was secret service agents not private security? Can Trump instruct the secret service to do that? If the students don’t represent any kind of threat then that doesn’t meet the scope of what the secret service detail does and I would think that since they are govt. officials paid for with tax money they actually…
I ran a teen center for several years and we had a girls group where girls came together to talk about all kinds of things, not just sex but everything. Anyway, I arranged for PP to come and answer questions and talk with the girls about sexual health and services and help them become more comfortable with the…
This is so brilliant! No one can forget the number after watching this even once. It’s brilliant to have a number kids can text questions and concerns. Furthermore, the repeated lyrics about “taking care of yourself now..” and emphasizing privacy destigmatizes sexual health. I too will never ever understand how adults…
I think this is a brilliant plan. I REALLY hope women in Illinois do this by the droves. In fact even if I wanted to name my child’s father on the birth certificate I would be super tempted to implement the plan you laid out just because it’s spectacular. Bravo!
a father must be conclusively established by DNA evidence or, within 30 days after birth, another family member who will financially provide for the child must be named, in court, on the birth certificate.
If her child is black no. If he is white yes. I am sure I will be trolled but I gives zero fucks. It’s creeptastic and innapropriate to give a white child an important historical black figure’s name.
Someone needs to make that happen. Just sit down with her for a whole month and record all her stories. I love listening to oral history. When I was a kid I lived in a neighborhood where I was the only kid. I had nothing but elderly neighbors so I used to go house to house every day and pick them flowers and hang out…
W’s speech read more like a 3rd grade report on What I Did During My Summer Vacation.
There was one at the Monterey Bay Aquarium that escaped out of the tank and scooted across a whole room.... If I remember correctly he was found by a night security guard and he'd already eaten half the touch pool. I was rooting for him to make it all the way out the door
Yes. If you want to help and have the means to help just do it without putting poor folks on display.
Then if you have the influence like Ellen does really help and get some investigative journalists out there and finance a huge awareness campaign.
TV shows shouldn’t be the ones doing this. Our god damn government has…
But I had the same idea ..... For the reason you just pointed out.
According to the Sentinel, manatees experience “cold stress” in water below 68 degrees, leading them to seek out the more temperate springs during the winter months.