
I think it could be really amazing to go back through the first trilogy of films and bring back some great characters that were forgotten or at least sidelined, Spiderman Far From Home did it well with some of Tony’s lackeys, and if done right it could be really interesting.

“Look at that wonderful pantina... very well aged.”

It really does scream for a sequel or remake. To me a sequel would be more fun.

How so... he was the last Starfighter for that time, but that was 40 years ago... surely there are no new starfighters, and something similarly catastrophic could happen again. IT’s not that hard to contrive a decent sequel:

I think there is.

Are there black folks voting for Trump?

When we decided...

IF your politics involves denying your fellow citizens are dying in droves, and that masks aren’t for ‘real men’... you really have lost the plot.

Except it doesn’t work, and just means your team will lose faster.

That was true up until ROTJ, but after that imperial forces started adding more shields, due to scarcity.

Two quick solutions.

Actually there are a crap ton. Consider the number of ships that Star Fleet has lost to various anomalies over the years. Hell even in TOS half the plots began with a lost ship or space station. Not to mention the scrap yards where hundreds of old ships hang out for decades before being totally stripped.

There is always that other crab...

Is latest invention from noted Russian oligarch... Elovksy Muskovy. His designs are number one, American dogs!

Oh look it’s one of those hot shot ‘b-wing’ fighter pilots...

That original X-wing had me log some serious flight hours. So many great features, so many amazing scenarios.

This. Give me a story of the Starks and the original long night... with ice spiders and giants and saving the world from eternal darkness.

Congrats for him.

To quote one of my favorite fake boxers:

Certainly... someone... somewhere... cares about this. Right?