
‘Originalist’ is just another word for racist, backwards, revisionist historian.

Now that’s quality work.

Take a second to imagine what would have happened had he slipped and stabbed the patient in his eye, or tipped forward and sliced open the back of the man’s trachea.

Yeah the first episode of Trek shows is almost always an outlier... except for Bragga-Trek (VOY, ENT)

The perfect character to bring into that show...

100% This.

Yeah, ok, good... but it’s 300 dollars... that’s freaking amazing.

Oh there will be many more like him, there are many more like him around now...

Still doesn’t feel real.

Only the finest of boneless oil goes in my car.

He’s not the hero we wanted... or the hero we needed... but he’s a hero for saying what we all know to be true, and putting the world on notice.

I wanted to represent Brazil in a positive way...

This likes like Charlize Theron.

It’s such a strange thing to try to copyright.... someones emotional makeup.

There are zero logical reasons to be in a theater right now.

Hot takes... get your know-it-all better then tho hot takes! Served with a side goth fries!!

I think two things helped Zoom.

Most children are visual learners, with audio being secondary. While the stats and studies vary and some are up for debate... teachers need every tool they can get to help teach kids.

I know reading comprehension is bad these days but it’s literally in my first sentence.