What’s so sad is how routine this whole thing has become.
What’s so sad is how routine this whole thing has become.
I’ve also read the old guy said “respect.” Either way, you’re an idiot punch another person at a sporting event, concert of any other place where there are a bunch of witness and cameras. Unless he’s wearing a Trump shirt. Then, by all means, have at him.
And the immediate reaction of lily white Kyle Adam was to lash out violently on behalf of latinos? Think this puts the “spic” thing to rest. What white guy you know is going to immediately throw punches in that situation?
No. You don’t hit anybody unless they’ve instigated a physical confrontation. There are better, more mature ways to take the fucker down. Use your words.
It’s almost like Trump doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions.
Yokels gonna yokel.
I like how he kept his cool enough to remember that he did say he would advise you of the situation before he took action. It’s considerate.
Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
closet racism.
The most dumbfoundingly stupid part of this is: everything Trump blew up at the NFL for was already happening before Trump blew up about it. These people had heard of Colin Kaepernick, right? They follow the NFL, presumably? They knew that players were protesting? But their opinion of the league only changed when…
This isn’t nuts, it’s terrifying. These people are sheep, devoted to the ravings of a madman and incapable of contradictory thought. Holy fucking shit are we fucked.
Taxes being raised on income below $418K is not giving up everything you worked so hard (debatable) for.
What’s super fucked is the fact that lots of people idolize the 50's and 60's. One of the defining features of the 5o’s and 60's? Sweet, sweet gubmint cash. Schools were super well funded. Christ, you could get driver’s ed in your average high school up until practically the 80's. That’s like $400-500 right there. You…
I would suggest that, if you think you are “(moderately) rich”, you are probably not the focus of HamNo’s ire, nor the target of the tax increases progressives propose. Even if you are being modest and you are actually in the top tax bracket (>$418k), you are extraordinarily well off and are in no danger of being…
>The proper way to think about it is, “How can the government remedy gross economic inequality by moving wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little?”
Based upon the privately contracted security guards I’ve personally seen, privately contracted security guards having sex IS NOT a porno I want to see.
Or, you could give it to someone who really needs a car.