So the owner should have known that the shop didn’t properly break in the clutch? Enthusiast or not, Maserati should have bedded the clutch since they installed it. Even a Toyota dealer beds brakes when they’re newly installed.
So the owner should have known that the shop didn’t properly break in the clutch? Enthusiast or not, Maserati should have bedded the clutch since they installed it. Even a Toyota dealer beds brakes when they’re newly installed.
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?
Compared to NBA and MLB players? Absofuckinglutely.
And Jerry Jones or anyone else mad at kneeling has not even utter anything about black lives or police brutality or any close to the many reasons the players are kneeling. He didn’t even offer to speak to Trump or try to be involved with coming up with a comprise to make a difference.
Why is the NFL, and Jerry Jones specifically, keeping this issue alive? I don’t pretend for a second it is even remotely a moral stance. Hell I’d even respect them a little for it if it were. A little.
If the NFL crumbles from within because a 49er QB took a knee, I’ll be the smilingest motherfucker on the planet.
They’re America’s team more than ever, a disappointing franchise run by an aging dipshit and employing a lot of crooks.
How insecure must these old bastards like Jerry Jones and Mike Pence be in their white privilege that the sight of a few black players kneeling silently during a song makes them so agitated that they cannot enjoy their greater privilege of undercompensated (mostly black) labor sacrificing their long-term health to…
Welcome my ex-NFL supporter from another progenitor. I have much the same journey as yours, except that instead of Jerry Jones, I broke up with the NFL when Dean Spanos...
I’m really kinda sad right now. I was a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan. I gritted my teeth when Jerry coldly fired Tom Landry. I finally broke loose from a comatose state after Jerry fired Jimmy Johnson. I couldn’t believe that he brought in Terrell Owens, a guy who “disrespected” the star. I had to defend Terrell Owens…
Fuck Jerry Jones. Fuck Donald Trump. And fuck the Cowboys. You ain’t America’s team anymore. That honor belongs to the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Let the motherfucker burn.
Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?
Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL
Unfortunately, the progressives have to deal with a wide spectrum of demographics, while the con’s only have the white christian daesh demographic. It’s easier when you can be more focused and your demographic is largely morons.
You gotta admit - this shit is effective. I genuinely wish progressives were better at figuring out a way to totally deflect whatever discussion into something easily digested and seemingly unopposable instead of, you know, acting like grown-ups in the conversation.
All of the Cowboys wives/girlfriends just invested heavily in American flag apparel.