
As told to Clover Hope.

:( :( 

Yes, I was thinking that, too! Maybe the divorce has caused him to look for community and support outside of family and shared friends, and church/Christianity has provided that... :/

I’ve watch this unfold on her insta this week. He’s reaction has been VERY immature - he just laughed it all off and then changed tactics to which I would say that HE’S actually harassing BEKAH at this point. He has some very loyal followers/trolls who are now making unfounded, disgusting accusations against Bekah.

Chris Pratt, as a recovering Exvangelical, please let me give you this one piece of advice: Get out while you can!

Crocodile tears, that’s exactly what they are! 

I think you are right. I live in Minneapolis and was at a protest here in June in which the light rail was blocked and a guy came through the crowd shouting at us “MOVE! You lost, get over it! You’re blocking the light rail!” It really pisses people off. But that’s kind of the point, right? To disrupt people who lives

Why is she just sitting there in the middle of the protest, crying on her phone?! LEAVE! She obviously didn’t feel THAT unsafe if she stuck around, smdh... Go take your drama elsewhere, lady.

This is in Minneapolis! I have witnessed this type of aggression towards protesters here in Minneapolis this June at Families Belong Together protest. Some guy came plowing through the crowd shouting, “You lost, get over it!” He was mad because we’d shut down the light rail. 

I don’t care so much about what she’s wearing, I’m more interested in the potions she uses on her skin to look so young. She could be wearing crocs and a garbage bag and all I would be thinking about is how I’m 12 yrs younger than her but she looks 12 yrs younger than me!

Women are forever being told that we shouldn’t drink in various social settings because IT’s jUsT! tOo!! DaNgErOuS!1!!

Oooof, Hayden Christensen still can’t act. You’d think he’d invested his Hot Mess Star Wars in some acting classes. It’s been 15 years, dude, you’ve had plenty of time to brush up on this skill!

You made me lol for real! Bravo!

Si se puede! Gracias por esta historia, Señor Ramos. Tengo esperanza por el país de Nicaragua y por mi país (EU), aunque es muy difícil. Luchamos!

for Trump and
For Mexico and

Is it just me, or are most Modern Love columns not especially...funny?

Thank you for your encouraging words, I agree, it’s really is nice to know that we aren’t alone, as it can be a very disorienting process to reflect on how religion has affected us and how widely its tentacles have reached into our minds. It’s mentally exhausting! Ten years later and I’m only now processing this shit,

Yes, this is really gross. Very very gross and ignorant. White supremacy at its best.

Recovering Fundie, I love that! And thank YOU for sharing. Day to day, I forget what my life use to be like, and then I read something like this and it all comes back to me. I went through a real identity crisis/depression when I was even thinking about walking away from my faith - who am I if I don’t really believe

I actually was in Romania through a group called Youth With A Mission (YWAM), though my church supported me. I was invited by my Romanian friend who I met through another YWAM experience, to teach English classes through YWAM and basically provide English-speaking support for the organization. Personally, I knew going