
Took a quick glance on amazon and looks like one of my college professors wrote an editorial review to this book! Glad to see POC within the faith are examining this. I’m not surprised that it’s not well received. To accept it would mean to accept a lot of other things that many people aren’t willing to face within

I agree, a MUCH better use of resources! And that mission trip experience sounds all too familiar: 20 min conversation + a little prayer and BOOM! You/GOD have changed a person’s life forever and now they won’t be poor and abused! (sarcasm)

I love this!

I was a missionary/volunteer in Romania for 2 years and that’s when I realized the nefarious power pyramid I was involved in: Missions wasn’t about helping people put food on their tables, but rather Americanizing them in the name of Christ. Making them like White American Christians. Keeping power in the traditional

Holy. Shit.

It looks like you got a taste of Minnesota Nice, Tomi, hahaha! Also, we don’t want you here, in case you couldn’t tell. BYEEEEEE.

Thank you for brightening my day with this! The racist attorney / abogado baboso had me feeling edgy for the past 24 hours and this video literally made me laugh out loud at my desk.

The courage it took to write this piece. I felt sick the whole time reading it, I literally felt like I was going to throw up, mostly because of how relatable it is. Gracias, hermano, por su vulnerabilidad. Ayudó a mis heridas. 

YES! When I read this, I was like, WAIT. Whaaaat? Is there a typo here?! But then I remembered that these are white supremacists, so it must be correct. Ewwwww.

Just waiting for Target to start selling the Tehuana traditional dresses to “trendy” people who don’t care about the culture or a wall being built or laws being passed to keep people (and that very culture) out. Ever since they started selling those pinche “taco” t-shirts... I don’t trust them.

I have to admit, for the first 3 seconds I heard about this Barbie doll, I got excited. As a child, I collected Barbies, especially from their 1990's International collection which included Mexico and Puerto Rico (why was this one international?!). I loved these because they were the first Barbies that actually

Your words just helped me wake up a little and ask myself, what is my unique evolution outside my job, cultural more, physical and financial circumstances? Life above all. I don’t know if I can answer this for myself, but I agree, Frida lived this out passionately and that’s why she’s a goddamn legand. But this has

Oh, I’d be up for a return of Lost if they promised to fix the shit ending and tie up all the loose ends they left in so many story lines!

“no hay nada más gringo que un gringo que cree que sabe más de un idioma extranjero que la persona que lo está corrigiendo”

If this had the ability to play music from Spotify, I’d buy it, seriously. I rarely use my iphone for anything other than music and texting.

Iggy, estoy aburrida con tus chingaderas. This song is blaaah, you couldn’t at least get a good Latinx song writer/producer to write something that doesn’t sound like it was stolen off automated computer song writing program? Uggghhh.

I live in Minneapolis and work in a high rise downtown, so I’ve seen the flyers from CTUL advocating for janitors but I never knew what CTUL actually did. This is really exciting! Thanks for the informative piece.

As a Hispanic, I’ pretty sure I got a job pretty much on my own and because of my own talents and hard work, not because of anything you’ve done, Trump. Fuck right off.

It’s actually a comforting picture: strong, wholesome brick fencing in the pulsing soul and center of you. Yet almost scaleable if someone special were determined to climb.

Last night I was on a flight with Frontier Airlines and the drunken man next to me kept leaning on me and patting/rubbing my shoulder; he eventually tried to put his arm around me and rub my back and so I jumped up out of my seat (after telling him , “DON’T. FUCKING. TOUCH. ME.”), and went to the back of the plane to