
That’s the thing that gets me - Adele always seemed so comfortable and sure of herself. Those eyes seem different. Of course, she’s gone through some shit the past few years too, but it’s sad. 

clicking on this post

Pick up artistry is a scam, of course, because even this guy admits he pays actresses to pretend to be random ladies he “seduces.”

Wait.  The guy in the lede photo is a pick up artist?

For the love of all that is crunchy and delicious, I wish these men would go to therapy before thinking about going under the knife. Well adjusted, empathetic and self aware men seem to be in demand regardless of height or jaw line.

Regardless of the politics, #Goyaway is just about one of the most perfect hash tags ever.

Everything being fucked for a long time isn’t a good excuse to double down and refuse to change. It’s basically the same rationale people have for keeping statues of old racists.

Well, there is an obvious downside: there’s only so much you can do about the Iowa 4th District, because it’s rural, white and has little in the way of college education. Put that together, and you’ve got yourself a Trump District Cocktail. As much as I would like non-college educated rural whites to see their

Who the hell thought this series was a good idea?

“But he’s also having a lot of confidence issues with not being allowed to work. Begging my spouse to be turned on by me is the biggest boner killer and marriage ruiner in the world so I’ll take my once a week marriage sex and keep getting the rest of my fix somewhere else.”

I’m old enough to remember this, but it was a very different, far more innocent age.

Honestly, he didn’t look that angry. As in, this felt calculated in a way to further normalize the country into the idea that press conferences will be cancelled or ended abruptly if the president doesn’t like the line of questioning.

What I learned from this is that Alison Roman hates successful minority women, while also capitalizing on ethnic cuisines. I am glad I had never heard of her before a few days ago, and I am sorry that I now have space in my brain for her.

Bad Bunny Baby ba ba ba

It was not embarrassing. The entire audience was singing along and gave a standing ovation. Wtf are you talking about? Don't make shit up just because you don't like rap or don't like Eminem.

But once that was cleared up, the drama still continued. The tone of the piece certainly isn’t very sympathetic to Jameel, for an error that’s most certainly not hers. And why didn’t the House Mother who auditioned for the show tweet at any of the other two non-Voguers hired for the show?

I’ve read a bit about this film, and I’ve watched the trailer, and I can’t put my finger on who this movie is for. Who does this movie think it’s audience is?

This is /muy triste/ for /nuestra hermana/ Jeanine.

THIS. I will run across the room to turn off a Billie Eilish song. Her singing is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Yes, maybe I have a touch of misophonia, but something about her voice just makes me cringe.

ScarJo reps for them, no?