
Because people work hard for their money and don’t want to spend it on a buch of junk (aka GM products).

I don’t drink coffee and because of that, I have zero clue as to how to operate a coffee machine. That’s how.

Remember, Oklahoma literally means Red People in Choctaw.

I have to believe he walked that shot in. It would be impossible realize (or anyone for that matter) where the shots were coming from and react.

That can do attitude always gets you whipped in the end.

Seems like Ferrari understands the internet completely and it’s Jalopnik that doesn’t understand exclusivity and the destructive power of self promotion.

I’m ok with the passing on the shoulder if you’re exit is close and that’s what you’re doing, otherwise, you’re a dick for doing it.

It’ll be interesting to see how the dragons respond to John considering he’s a Targaryan and all “children” require fathers (This also outs him as 1/2 Targaryan). John and Daenarys bang and John wins because John can actually fight unlike the women who can’t do shit on their own.

I can tell you’re not a Christian because you have zero understanding of the concept of “hell” and how one gets there.

Dunno, you tell me. Not sure why I would be going to hell for simply stating to comply with the police and to keep your hands visible, but whatever. That isn’t a sin punishable by going to hell. You need brush up on your Christianity.

“Rich” can be perceived to mean many things. You are rich compared to someone from Ethiopia. Get over yourself.

Doubtful. He should have kept his hands visible and waited for instructions.

I’ll allow it. Bob’s big boy is also acceptable. Pie-n-burger 2nd.

“So don’t call the police if there is a robbery?”

Well done. Phoenix ain’t so bad.

“Black Lives Matter!” as we drive them out of their homes for our avacados.

An Pittsburgh is essentially eastern Ohio!

Driving in NYC is just as miserable, in fact worse.

LA is better in every conceivable way that you mentioned.

Untrue. In-n-out isn’t there. Neither are good beaches. Nice people. Clean air.