All the transients that live in NYC are assholes.
All the transients that live in NYC are assholes.
As a native of Los Angeles, I hope all the New Yorkers are on the subway in LA when an earthquake hits (and it will) and kills them all. The city will be much improved. My out of town friends try to get me to ride that dumb fucking thing, but they’re the idiots as I lived through Northridge and know that shit…
A good way to avoid the police is to not commit crimes or be near them. It works out for a lot of people regardless of race. Also, obey every command. Simple solution to a “problem”.
Evidence of an OK police shooting or a crime? hence, evidence of what?
Evidence of what? There’s a lot of time missing. Still have to wait.
See Amendment, #1.
Yeah, stretching like an Armstrong on that one.
So you hate Notre Dame then for its mascot? And the Vikings too, right?
See Amendment, 1.
“kind of wait to get judgy until I hear more.”
“I’d love to see the venn diagram between cops and murderers when looking at their psychological profiles for asshats that do shit like this.”
So actually enforce the laws on the books? Crazy thought.
Rifles are banned in DC. Just saying.
You have zero fucking clue about 1930's Germany and what the nationalist socialist party stood for. Bernie Sanders is closer to Nazism than Trump is. Fucking asshole.
Sure. Just get 2/3rd’s of the states to agree. Otherwise, owning a gun is a right.
Also, rifles are banned in DC. Just saying.
Hey dickhead, the beltway snipers were black and apprehended. You’re shitty fucking narrative is complete bull shit.
With a pressure cooker would be easier.